Boehner: I Never Agreed To Any 'Grand Deal'
President Barack Obama is a golfing buddy of Speaker John Boehner no more.
The Ohio representative was miffed by the notion that he and President Barack Obama had reached a grand deal on raising the debt limit which he spoke of during his news conference Monday.
During closed door meetings with congressional Republicans he maintained he didn't signal a commitment to anything discussed by he or Obama in the sweeping $4 trillion plan the two had been mulling for days.
At no time, ever, during this discussion did I agree to let taxes go up. I haven't spent 20 years here fighting tax increases just to throw it all away in one moment, Boehner is reported to have said.
Boehner told his colleagues it was clear Obama wasn't willing to bend on raising revenues and that was the deal breaker for him.
That's when I walked away. Am I angry about it? I sure as hell am, Boehner said.
Boehner told party leaders the deal no longer exists, cautioning Republicans must address the debt limit while advocating including a balanced budget amendment to the Constitution as part of the deal.
The Speaker's comments come as he and leaders from both parties are to meet the Obama Administration for a third straight day of negotiations.
President Obama said Tuesday he can't guarantee that senior citizens will receive their Social Security checks on August 3 if Republicans and Democrats do not reach an agreement in weeks ahead on reducing the debt ceiling, according to a published report.
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