Bride Gets Divorced Year After Best Man Confessed Love During Wedding Speech
- The best man at a 2010 wedding confessed his love to the bride in front of 200 guests
- The bride later got divorced and became lovers with the best man, who was a longtime friend of hers
- The new couple got married and now have four children
An Illinois woman got divorced and married the best man from her first wedding after he professed his love for her at the event.
Desiree White and her unnamed former husband were left slack-jawed at their 2010 wedding when the latter's best man and then-best friend, Bryant, confessed his undying love for the bride, the New York Post reported.
"I remember the first moment I saw Desiree, I loved her. I fell in love with her. I knew she had to be mine. I thought she was the most beautiful person I’ve ever seen in my life," a drunken Bryant said in front of the wedding's 200 guests, White told Kennedy News and Media.
Additionally, Bryant described her as "the best person I've ever met" and said that he has "never met anyone like her," White recalled.
White and Bryant had met in high school, but the former did not talk to other people as she still had a boyfriend at the time.
Bryant later recognized White's former husband as someone who shared the same lunch period as him, and the three became close friends afterward.
The two men became best friends and "did everything together," said White, who insisted that she did not harbor any romantic feelings for Bryant during their formative years. White even set Bryant up on dates with other women.
However, Bryant's wedding confession made White "confused," she claimed.
Her ears "turned red" with embarrassment over the incident, and she remembered that the people at the wedding turned quiet after initially laughing at Bryant's confession.
White later shared a dance with Bryant at the wedding, where the latter reportedly asked her, "Why didn't you ever give me a chance? I would have always taken care of you."
"I asked him what he meant and he said, 'Nothing. I love you, I love [White’s ex-husband].' Then he got quiet," White recalled.
She said she had hoped she "misinterpreted" Bryant's confession and tried to sweep it "under the carpet," believing it to be the result of her friend being "really drunk and lonely."
White's marriage reportedly began to crumble less than a year after their wedding as her former husband adopted what she called a "totally different lifestyle."
Bryant's relationship with White became romantic as he provided her with emotional support during her separation.
"When [my ex and I] broke up and divorced, I went through a depression and was really secluded myself. I just didn’t want to make an effort for anything. [Bryant would] ask me to eat with him or hang out and watch a show. He was trying to be there for me," White said.
The two then became lovers after they found themselves kissing one day.
"Bryant and I just kissed one day when we were hanging out. It was out of nowhere. When he kissed me, I didn’t stop it, then I kissed him back. I was shocked that it was a good kiss. It felt good and natural," White said.
Within a year, White became pregnant with their first son, Sawyer, now 9, and the couple got married in 2012.
"[Bryant] said, 'I always wanted to marry you and this isn’t because of the baby, but let's start this family right,'" White recounted.
The 32-year-old mother, who now has four boys with Bryant, said she is living the dream.
"We love being parents. 20-year-old Desiree wouldn’t think she could be a mom of four kids. She couldn’t imagine this is what my life would be like now," White said.