Buy Modern Warfare 3, Get a HTC Smartphone

If you are a gamer and need a new phone you may be able to kill two enemies with one grenade. Isn't that how the saying goes?
Regardless, Best Buy is offering those who are purchasing Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3,which launches Nov. 8, a free HTC smartphone with their gaming purchase. Gamers can score an Evo 4G on Sprint Nextel, an Incredible 2 for Verizon Wireless, or an Inspire 4G on the AT&T network. Ah, but here's the rub: they will also have to sign onto a two-year contract to get in on the free phone action.
This may seems like a strange combination, but CNET postulates it is a way for Best Buy to remind consumers that they sell smartphones too. Since most people buy their phones from carrier stores, this actually might help get their brand out there.
If you are going to tie your horse to any one game this year, it might as well be Modern Warfare 3. The game already has a couple million pre-orders under its belt and is on the top of Nielsen's most wanted list of holiday games. The previous game in the franchise Call of Duty: Black Ops sold more than 26 million copies worldwide, across all the consoles and the PC. The promotion even includes a free case and the Elite App, which will help gamers earn extra in-game experience points and help them unlock weapons faster.
Weird parings aside, the promotion is actually a pretty good deal if you are a fan of Call of Duty (which is mostly anyone who owns a controller) and are free of any other cellular contractual obligations. Or the deal would make a good purchase for any thrifty parents looking to get that holiday gift buying out of the way even before Black Friday fires the starting pistol for the shopping season.
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