The reviews are in for Cars 2 and the professional critics have decidedly mixed and negative reviews for Pixar's latest effort on the big screen.

Moview Review aggregator has a 40 percent Tomatometer, which means of 77 reviews, 46 were categorized as rotten.

Nevertheless about 88 percent of the site's visitors want to see the film, possibly indicating the film may do well despite the reviews.

The best reason to see the main feature is to see the short called Toy Story: Hawaiian Vacation, says Charlie McCollum of the Mercury News. He called the short which features the characters from Toy Story series, crisp, funny and really sweet.

I'm sure Pixar didn't intend it this way, he writes.

Below is a mix of reviews from around the U.S.:

The New York Post's Kyle Smith said Pixar worsted itself with the even more awful' sequel.

The L.A. Times' Kenneth Turan says the film has a smooth, easy way about it, calling it genially entertaining.

The New York Times' A.O. Scott said maybe Pixar decided to coast for a while, adding that the film is notably lacking in soul or sublimity.

The San Francisco Chronicle's Mick LaSalle calls the film a brand-new experience -and a distinct improvement.

The Chicago Tribune's Michael Phillips called the film Pixar's weakest project to date and craven.

The Associated Press' Christy LeMire says Cars 2 looks beautiful, lavishing in photorealism but adds that all the new characters and various narrative strands leave not much room for fun.

The Cleveland Plain Dealer's Clint O'Connor says the film lacks a compelling story that falls short of Pixar's usual emotion and laughs.