Casey Anthony Freed: Who Killed Caylee Then?

Casey Anthony was freed from the Orange County Jail in the wee hours of Sunday morning, making her way through hundreds of protestors, who thronged the jail perimeter carrying banners and shouting killer.
Casey remained expressionless as she boarded a vehicle and she was whisked away to an unknown location. At the time of her release, Casey was wearing a pink Polo v-neck and jeans and was accompanied by defense attorney Jose Baez and was closely guarded by three of the jail's Special Response Team officers.
The jail authorities refused to say where Casey was headed. However, it was quite clear that Casey will be provided tight security at least for a few days irrespective of wherever she is.
The reason is because many people believe Casey is a murderer - they believe she killed her 2-year old daughter Caylee.
Some of the banners carried by the protestors, who thronged outside the prison walls, read Honk for Caylee Travesty of Justice, Don't Be a Part of Blood Money, and What really happened to Caylee.
Casey could be heading to a close friend's house or a hotel but one thing is clear - she won't be heading to her parents' home.
Ever since the trial began, the relationship between Casey and her parents became strained and her father George Anthony had stopped visiting her in jail.
During the trial, Casey's lawyer Baez said Caylee had accidentally drowned in the family swimming pool and claimed George knew about it and helped Casey keep it a secret. Baez also claimed George had sexually abused Casey, in an attempt to justify her eccentric behavior. The lawyer also called upon George's alleged mistress to take the witness stand and testify against him. George has denied all the accusations.
After a 12-member jury handed a not guilty verdict in Casey's favor, George said he thought her defense was baseless.
In a statement issued on behalf of the Anthony family, George also said the Anthony family never believe that Caylee drowned in their family swimming pool.
Later, Casey had refused a jail visitation from her mother Cindy Anthony.
Casey's whereabouts will remain a top secret for a few days, if not a few weeks, because she has received death threats while in prison.
Many people believe that justice was not served when the jury handed a not guilty verdict.
However, legal experts say the jury did the right thing because the prosecutors had failed to provide sufficient evidence to prove beyond reasonable doubt that Casey had killed Caylee.
The circumstantial evidence produced by the prosecutors during the trial, despite being several in number, had failed to convince the jury that Casey was Caylee's killer.
On July 5, the 25-year-old single mom was found not guilty of killing Caylee June 2008. But she was convicted of lying to detectives about the girl's whereabouts - when Caylee's disappearance was reported in July 2008, Casey told the detectives several lies, including that Caylee had been kidnapped by a non-existent nanny (Zanny the nanny) and that she was working in Universal Studio.
In December 2008, Caylee's decomposed skeletal remains were found in a wooded area near the Anthony home by a meter reader who was relieving himself.
The prosecutors say Casey chloroformed Caylee and then put duct tape over her nose and mouth, suffocating the girl.
The motive for the killing offered by the prosecutors was that Casey hated Caylee because she needed to take care of her and because of Caylee, she had to cancel many of her party plans.
Meanwhile, everybody is wondering - will Caylee ever get justice? Will her killer ever be found?
Nobody knows but one thing is sure - Casey Anthony's life will never be the same again.
Must Read: Casey Anthony Freed: What Will She do Next? Marry Tim Allen? Have More Babies?
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