While Casey Anthony’s legal woes over her daughter Caylee’s death have ended, the most hated mother in America now has a new set of problems that seem to be hanging over her.

Anthony’s bankruptcy case is pending in Florida, and she seems to be in hiding, avoiding any contact with her attorney, according to Radar Online.

Her attorney, David L. Schrader, who reportedly took on Anthony’s case pro bono is looking to withdraw himself as her lawyer due to health issues. Schrader is reportedly also closing his practice as he prepares to retire but can’t find Anthony to communicate the news, according to his court filing.

The court documents filed by Schrader and obtained by the news outlet read, “Movants have attempted to communicate with [Anthony] regarding this and other matters, but [Anthony] has failed to respond to both Movants’ telephone calls and emails since April 2019.”

Anthony filed for bankruptcy in 2013, which was initially put on hold when she was sued by the meter reader, who found her daughter’s body. The defamation suit claimed that Anthony’s defense team accused the man of killing Caylee and hiding her body. Anthony eventually won the lawsuit.

Anthony, 33, was acquitted of murder charges for the death of her daughter in 2011 in a highly-publicized trial. She served time in prison for lying to police. She was last spotted in a Florida bar, giving parenting advice to other patrons.

Casey Anthony Parents
Casey Anthony's dad, George Anthony, has vowed never to speak to his daughter ever again after the death of his granddaughter Caylee Anthony. Casey Anthony (R) sits with her attorney Jose Baez during her sentencing hearing on charges of lying to a law enforcement officer at the Orange County Courthouse July 7, 2011 in Orlando, Florida. Anthony was acquitted of murder charges on July 5, 2011 but will serve four, one-year sentences on her conviction of lying to a law enforcement officer. She will be credited for the nearly three-years of time served and good behavior and will be released July 13. Getty Images/Joe Burbank-Pool