Casey Anthony's Freedom Just Weeks Ahead - Awaiting Heaven or Hell?

Casey Anthony could possibly taste freedom in late July or early August. Will her freedom lead to heaven or hell? The life ahead of Casey Anthony is surrounded by countless speculations.
The most sensational murder trial of the year (or decade?) that made many jaws drop and tears shed has come to an end, with Casey Anthony acquitted and Caylee's death remaining as mystery.
On July 5th, Casey Anthony, the young single mother accused of murdering her two-year-old daughter Caylee Anthony, received a not guilty verdict on first-degree murder charges.
Anthony was found guilty of four counts of lying to investigators, and was today sentenced to four years in prison. However, due to the three years she has already served in prison that will be credited to her, Anthony could be freed late July or early August.
Casey's Dream of Heaven
Casey Anthony desires to have more children once released, according to ABC News. Anthony apparently wrote more than four dozen letters from jail to fellow cellmate Robyn Adams during 2008 and 2009 when both were living in Orlando County Jail in Florida.
In one missive, Casey wrote: I had a dream not too long ago that I was pregnant. It was like having Cays [Caylee] all over again. I've thought about adopting, which even sounds weird to me saying it, but there are so many children that deserve to be loved.
In another letter, she opened: Let's make a deal? Let's get pregnant together? If it's really possible to plan it.
Some comments speculated on what Anthony would do with her life after she was released. In one letter, she pondered: No matter how much money I have someday, all I want to do is live comfortably, not worrying about bills, food or even a few clothes. Everything in moderation and modesty.
She also had vague dreams of becoming a writer, of what she described as partial memoir/comedy/relationship advice book for those not in the know. It's a way to settle many rumors and to share my insight about love, life and most important - God... Who knows.
She also showed a charitable side, noting: I want to donate money to charities ? leukemia research, breast cancer, cervical cancer.
However, she also missed some of the vain niceties of life outside of a prison cell.
I can't wait to get my teeth whitened and to use my regular toothbrush/toothpaste/shampoo, conditioner. I still have no desire to wear heels unless the occasion calls for it. but converse, boots and REAL flipflops? Ah! And hats, regular ball caps. Sunglasses. Underwear, that fits! Is that vain? Should I not look forward to these things? Color on my toesies and acrylic nails -- yes please. I want to embrace the many joys of being a lady. And girl, I could use a day at Target myself. Just to walk around the store, to be a part of society. I want to go grocery shopping.
Analysts speculated Anthon'ys future saying she could be very well on her way to publishing books.
Linda Konner, a New York City literary agent who has worked deals for actors, singers and lawmakers, told reporters Wednesday that it's not impossible to expect Anthony to get an advance between $750,000 and $1 million for her memoirs, said the Christian Post.
Or Hell on Earth
Casey's parents George and Cindy Anthony went into hiding shortly after the verdict, after receiving death threats, reported WFTV on Tuesday.
Mark Lippman, the Anthonys' attorney, said threats against Anthonys were on the Internet and that the Orange County Sheriff's Office was investigating, reported the Orlando Sentinel.
Casey Anthony herself, reportedly described as one of the most hated women in history, was also harshly criticized by the general public as well as media.
It is questionable whether Anthony can walk the streets safely, given the public outcry. She may need to go into hiding as well, just like her parents.
Either way, Casey Anthony can't go home to her parents George and Cindy Anthony, largely because she accused her father and brother of raping her. Lee Anthony, her brother, and George Anthony have consistently denied these accusations. George and Cindy Anthony told the media that they feel that she is not innocent and left the courtroom seemingly angry before releasing the following statement: Despite the baseless defense chosen by Casey Anthony, the family believes that the jury made a fair decision based on the evidence.
O.J. Simpson case in 1995, n which the football superstar was acquitted of the murders of Nicole Brown Simpson and Ron Goldman, has been raised as a parallel to Casey Anthony trial. O.J. Simpson prosecutor Marcia Clark in a CNN interview said that Anthony verdict was actually worse than O.J.
Nancy Grace, who calls Anthony as tot mom and had been covering Casey Anthony case since her disappearance in 2008, reacted to the verdict saying: Now I know, it is our duty as American citizens to respect the jury system.... But I know one thing, as the defense sits by and as their champagne toast after the not-guilty verdict somewhere out there the devil is dancing tonight.
The History Maker: Casey Anthony Trial
Anthony, 25, was found not guilty Tuesday of murdering her 2-year-old daughter Caylee Anthony.
The seven-woman, five-man jury took about one day to reach a verdict in the case, which had gripped much of the nation in considerable part due to the prosecution's argument that Casey had murdered the girl so she could pursue an active night life/social life, unencumbered by parenthood.
Casey Anthony was found not guilty on all charges except for four counts of providing false information to law enforcement officers. She will be spared a death sentence, but could still potentially face years behind bars in a Florida prison.
The prosecution had claimed Casey Anthony suffocated her daughter, Caylee, with duct tape in June 2008, then stored the body in the trunk of a car. Casey Anthony didn't report the toddler was missing for 31 days.
Conversely, the defense had concentrated on the prosecution's forensic evidence, including an FBI technician's testimony that duct tape found attached to Caylee Anthony's decomposed skull was contaminated during testing by another technician.
The jury deliberated for more than 10 hours over the last two days - and after hearing 33 days of testimony.
The 12 jurors on Monday spent about six hours dissecting the case following a rebuttal summation by the prosecution. Judge Belvin Perry separated the main jury of seven women and five men from five alternates and sent them into the deliberation room just after noon, said.
ALSO READ: Casey Anthony Didn't Really Like the Name Caylee
ALSO READ: Casey Anthony Sentenced 4 Years in Jail, Maximum Sentence for Lying
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