San Francisco public defender’s office has released a series of surveillance videos which shows illegal arrest and brutality committed by the San Francisco Police.

It is the second time that the San Francisco public defender Jeff Adachi has intervened with a video release of the misconduct of SFPD, while federal investigation is still in progress on the first case.

The video includes activities that never made it into police reports of their visit to the Jefferson Hotel on Eddy Street in Tenderloin district on last December 30 in the process of a drug bust.

It shows undercover officers entering the hotel, throwing a man against a wall, and taking away a bulging dufflebag from the hotel room of Fernando Santana, a drug suspect not long after his arrest. The bag was never booked into evidence.

Santana reported that his bag containing tequila, coffee and an iPod went missing after the arrest and he was recently told by his attorney that the police may have taken it.

As the video is in an apparent contradiction to the officers' reports and sworn testimony about arrests, San Francisco police and the public defender's office are both trying to determine what happened to the missing duffel bag.

Here is a video clip, which the public defender's office released: