US President Joe Biden faces a tough re-election fight against his predecessor Donald Trump
Experts said US President Joe Biden's performance was lackluster and unimpressive in his debate with Donald Trump. AFP

The first general election presidential debate of 2024 between President Joe Biden and former President Donald Trump has ignited a flurry of reactions from Hollywood stars and celebrities, prompting many of them to take to social media to voice their opinions.

Biden, who had hoped the debate would shift the momentum of a campaign he appears to be narrowly trailing, struggled significantly throughout the evening. His performance was marked by hesitancy, halting responses, and a hoarse voice, which undermined his efforts to present a strong, decisive image.

The debate, held in Atlanta and broadcast by CNN, was intended as a pivotal moment for Biden's campaign. Instead, it left the Democratic Party reeling, with many questioning the president's ability to maintain his position at the top of the ticket.

While some celebrities voiced their support for Biden on social media following the debate, many people said the president performed poorly against Trump.

Rapper Ja Rule expressed disappointment with both candidates, writing on X, "This can't be our only choice of candidates... WTF."

Singer and actress Bette Midler, a staunch Democratic supporter, condemned Trump's performance, describing it as "Fear and grievance, ad infinitum."

Midler criticized Trump for lying, saying, "Every word out of his mouth is a lie. Every single word."

She praised Biden for answering questions despite his weakened voice due to a cold, noting, "I leaned in and heard him fine."

Comedian Jamie Kennedy was less forgiving of Biden's performance, pointing to the president's sometimes-uneven delivery.

Kennedy shared a photo of Biden with a confused expression, stating, "Guy is running for his 2nd term, has no idea he is in his first."

He expressed pity for Biden, calling out those pushing him to run as "morally corrupted people."

Michael Ian Black of "Wet Hot American Summer" was blunt in his critique, writing, "I don't see how Biden survives this. If he stays in, he looks like the a**hole." He even suggested it might be "the worst debate performance of a sitting president in United States history."

Trump supporter and reality TV star Caitlyn Jenner labeled Biden a "total and complete failure and clearly in major mental decline," urging followers to "Vote accordingly!"

Some celebrities defended Biden while criticizing CNN's moderators, Jake Tapper and Dana Bash.

Sophia Bush questioned why the moderators didn't fact-check Trump's statements, saying, "None of us can believe the s**t coming out of Trump's mouth."

Barbra Streisand also expressed frustration with the moderators, asking, "What is wrong with these two moderators who let Trump change the subject?"

Actor Mark Hamill defended Biden, and criticized Trump, calling him "a convicted felon, serial liar & adjudicated rapist who is unfit for ANY office."