Players have to choose a civilization to represent and a leader to learn from at the start of “Civilization 6.” At the moment, the game automatically assigns by the default leaders for each civilization players choose. However, developer Firaxis Games could tweak this feature by adding leaders options in each civ without affecting the game balance.

The civ, as per Game Rant, which the player chooses, determines the units they control and what unique buildings they receive in navigating their victory. For instance, leader Boudica provides a blessing for the offensive while a leader Gandhi leads the player to a culture related victory. The game, however, has civilizations with two leaders like Greece's Gorgo and Pericles.

This gives players the flexibility to play with the style that they really want. Some players may want to conquer the world and choose Gorgo. Others might want to take the less violent – but equally challenging – route by trying to win over different cultures through Pericles’ manipulation.

According to Green Man Gaming, there are few leaders that fit perfectly for new players to try out. For instance, there are leaders strongly attuned to a Science victory, while others are highly connected to culture.

Tomyris is great for people who want to win over other civilizations with brute force. She has strong military units that are perfect for victory through conquest. Other players may also try Lady Six if they are into winning the game through Science.

Gandhi and Wilfrid Laurier are perfect leaders for players who want to take the religion and diplomacy route, respectively. This is "Civ 6's recent improvements on leader choices, but it wouldn’t hurt to add more leader options for players who want to explore multiple routes towards victory.

“Civilization 6” is now available for the PC, PS4, Nintendo Switch and the Xbox One.

A volcano erupts in the game Civilization VI
Civilization VI could use a little more 'choice' in the civilization leader options. Twitter / Firaxis Games