A California woman went to the hospital for having her kidney stones removed and ended up being informed by the doctor that she was actually in labor. In this photo, a young boy is weighed after being born in an NHS maternity unit, in Manchester, England, April 3, 2007. Getty Images/ Christopher Furlong

A California woman went to a hospital after she presumed she had kidney stones and ended up being informed by the doctor that she was actually having labor pain. Not just that, neither the woman nor her husband, knew she was pregnant for the nine months when she was carrying the child.

Beth Clay, 45, went to the hospital last week thinking that she has kidney stones. However, she was shocked to learn that what she thought were kidney stones, was actually a baby boy in her womb.

“I was like, that just can’t be real," Scott Clay, Beth’s husband, said. “It's all contrived, never could happen. You would know if there was a baby in your belly, but we're living proof.”

So why did Beth not know that she was carrying a child for nine months? “The doctor feels sure that he was behind everything, behind my kidneys behind my liver," she said, Fox News reported.

Being completely unaware of the fact that she was pregnant, Beth, now a mother of three, worked out on a regular basis for nine months, leading up to the day when Liam Ryder Clay, her youngest son, arrived in the world. She also lost 15 pounds during her pregnancy, after adhering to a strict diet.

“I was in tiptop shape, and then the next three days, here’s this little rascal," she said. “The shock is just amazing." The Clays also waited for 24 hours before breaking the surprising news to the rest of her family. Although the couple did not have any plans to have another baby at this stage of their life, they told local news outlet KTLA 5 they were thrilled with their newest bundle of joy.

Although the smallest member of the Clay family had to be confined to the intensive care unit for a few days after his birth, he was said to be in a good health later.