You finally get to meet the president of the United States and you spill yogurt on him. That is exactly what happened to University of Colorado freshman Kolbi Zerbest yesterday.

President Barack Obama was exiting the Sink Bar in Boulder, Co. when Yougurtgate took place. Zerbest said secret service agents brought her over to the area where the president would be exiting the bar, but blamed photographers for the incident.

Right as I'm shaking his hand, the paparazzi kicks the bowl that I placed on the ground onto the president, and it was mine, so obviously I took the blame for it,'' Zerbest told TODAY Wednesday. Technically it was my fault that I placed it there, but I'm not the one who spilled it on him or kicked it on him as some of the stories have been told.''

Whoever spilled the yogurt, President Obama was a good sport about it and took it all in stride.

Oh lookit, you got me, President Obama said. You got me!''

You've got a good story to tell,'' he continued. You can say, 'Well, I just spilled yogurt all over the president and the Secret Service.'''

Well, yeah I'm very embarrassed of that story now, but it's a pleasure,'' Zerbest responded. The pleasure is all mine.''

Zerbest said that she was surprised that the president stopped to talk to her about what just happened.

I didn't really expect that,'' Zerbest said. I just expected him to shrug it off, try to clean it up a little bit and just get on with walking to his car to leave, so it was pretty exciting being able to talk to him for a minute or two to try to exchange what just happened.

All in all, I would say it was a pretty eventful and pretty memorable day for me.''

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