Colorado Shooter James Holmes' Online Arsenal Rampage Raises Debate Over Gun Rights And Arms Freedom

It is surprising to note how Colorado shooter James Holmes amassed arsenal without raising an eye of suspicion about his online purchase when internet firms can track customer behavior and profiles online, an Associated Press report said.
James Holmes, the key suspect in the Dark Knight Rises Colorado shooting, placed orders for several ammunitions online as if they were pieces of a new wardrobe, the Associated Press (AP) reported.
Commenting on the online purchases, Dudley Brown, Executive Director, Rocky Mountain Gun Owners, told AP: We're different than other cultures. We do allow Americans to possess the accoutrements that our military generally has.
However, not everyone seems to share the sentiments of Brown as they appear troubled at how Holmes piled up arms for his alleged rampage.
Chad Weinman, CEO,, a website which caters to law enforcement agencies including military and police squad looking to augment their equipment without long waiting period, issued a press release stating that they received an order from James Holmes on July 2.
The order, including an urban assault vest, two magazine pouches and tactical knife, totaled to $306.79 and Holmes elected to pay an additional $15.63 for UPS second day Air to expedite his order. We processed this order as any other, and Mr Holmes signed for the associate package on July 5 at 2:21 p.m. local time.
It makes me sick he added, explaining that Holmes brought material from him, according to AP.
However, he was against bringing tactical gear under firearms and ammunition as they are subject to considerable regulation terming it outrageous.
We wholeheartedly support the freedom Americans enjoy to legally purchase guns and ammunition. No amount of gun control is going to prevent a sociopath hell-bent on terrorism from hurting a large group of people, he added.
In this instance, it appears that all of Holmes' online purchases were legal as there was no system thus far to track if people were stockpiling arsenal.
The AP also reported that over four months, Holmes had received over 50 packages at his Aurora apartment and University of Colorado Medical School, where he was studying neuroscience.
But not all of Holmes' arms expedition appear confined to online space. Apparently, Holmes shopped for guns at sporting goods stores as it requires background check to purchase firearm that is usually done at the retail shop.
Colorado State Rep. Mike Waller was against restrictions on arms purchase. He noted that Holmes reportedly bought 300 rounds for his shotgun. My 13-year-old son and I go out to the shooting range all the time, said Waller, a Republican. I buy more than 300 rounds of shotgun shells when I do that, he told AP.
Cautioning against over-reacting to the massacre, gun enthusiast Brown of Rocky Mountain Gun Owners said that he thought citizen's access to weaponry had made the United States a stronger country.
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