Comic Con 2014 Bloopers: Check Out Which Shows Brought Gag Reels to SDCC; ‘Agents of SHIELD,’ ‘Game of Thrones,’ ‘Hannibal’ and More

While San Diego Comic-Con 2014 usually involves talking about everything they did right, a few shows stopped to let fans laugh at what they did wrong with bloopers. Sometimes looking cool takes a lot of effort and practice. “Orphan Black,” Hannibal,” “Marvel’s Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.” and “Game of Thrones” all brought some laughs to fans attending SDCC. Take a look at the hilarious clips below.
“Game Of Thrones” isn’t known for its comedic moments, but clearly, the cast knows how to lighten up. Highlights include Tyrion and Jamie dancing down the aisle to trial and Danerys correcting Daario Naharis by saying, “I’m a Kahleesi, not a queen. For fuck’s sake, mate!” Watch the clip below.
“Hannibal” fans got to see their favorite serial killer crack a smile. In the clip, Hannibal Lecter forgets how to tie a tie, Bedelia Du Maurier loses her mic down her shirt and a director asks an actor, “Can you try and give me your line again and actually mean it?” The cast also loves to bust out their favorite dance moves when they forget their lines. Check out the video via Entertainment Weekly below.
“Marvel’s Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.” also brought out its comedic side. The action drama’s cast seems to have plenty of fun between takes. The girls do their best “Charlie’s Angels” imitation while Coulson breaks into Spanish dialogue. Take a look at the clip from Entertainment Weekly here.
"Orphan Black" didn’t have a gag reel, but the drama did want to highlight its comedic side. From Helena’s eating habits to Alison and Donnie burying a body in their garage, the clone drama managed to fit in a lot of lighter moments. Check out the funniest moments of “Orphan Black” Season 2 below.
Which cast do you think is the funniest? Sound off in the comments section below!
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