A giant sheet of ice has virtually shut down the only route for trucks bringing fuel and supplies to the state’s lucrative oilfields.
The International Energy Agency said Wednesday that new data on global oil demand and supply provide little clarity on price forecasts.
Industry analysts had last week received UKOG's news with a note of caution.
The ruling is a setback to Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, who has made the resumption of Japan's nuclear energy program a priority.
The action is modeled after efforts in the 1970s and 1980s to protest apartheid in South Africa.
The Obama administration is expected to propose major regulations on offshore oil and gas drilling as the BP spill's five-year anniversary approaches.
The new regulations are expected to make drilling safer, and prevent the kind of disaster that sent millions of barrels of oil into the Gulf of Mexico.
Investment in large wind and solar projects slowed in China, Europe and Brazil, but rose in the U.S. and India, a report says.
Pacific Gas & Electric faces a record penalty in connection with a 2010 pipeline explosion near San Francisco that killed eight people.
Russia holds a significant portion of the vast hydrocarbon reserves in the Arctic but lacks the expertise to exploit them.
In Pennsylvania, homes near drilling sites are increasingly exposed to cancer-causing radon, a health study revealed Thursday.
The oil giant's pending acquisition plan would give it a market value twice the size of BP's and larger than Chevron's.
The latest deal is expected to be one of the biggest of 2015, and is also the first big merger between energy companies in a decade.
Crude prices rose Monday as Saudi Arabia moved to raise oil prices in Asia.
Easing U.S. and European sanctions on Tehran could mean millions more barrels of oil for a market that's already oversupplied.
The area is also experiencing extreme flooding.
North Dakota is shouldering the brunt of comparatively low crude prices, with jobs in the oil industry slip-sliding away.
The Mexican state-run oil company said that the accident did not cause an oil spill into the sea.
Officials said they cannot yet rule out the possibility of a cyberattack or a terror strike.
The National Wildlife Federation says that five years after the spill, there's still a big impact on many Gulf species, but BP disagrees.
BYD's share price soars Monday after the maker of the best-selling electric car in China says its profit motored ahead in the first quarter.
The EU imports about half of its gas from Russia, of which, about 40 percent comes from pipelines running through Ukraine.
A Singapore-based brokerage firm expects oil prices to fall further in the second quarter.
Tensions in the Middle East escalated overnight, triggering fears over crude oil supply.
The Wangan and Jagalingou people have formally rejected the land-use agreement between Indian firm Adani and the Australian government.
Oil prices surged as traders worried about fighting in the oil-rich Middle East getting out of control.
Pro-coal states argue the EPA's new limits on mercury emissions at power plants do not fully account for the financial burden on utility ratepayers.
Oil prices have tumbled sharply partly due to weaker Asian and European demand and an increase in North American production.
The deal requires Jordan to buy fuel from Rosatom for the reactors for 10 years.
German researchers say U.S. incentives played a large role in the rapid growth of a still-tiny vehicle market.