Striking workers say the fast-food chain's pay-hike proposal pales in comparison to recent hikes for Walmart and Target workers.
“If a gay couple came in and wanted us to provide pizzas for their wedding, we would have to say no,” owner Crystal O’Connor said.
Major pharmaceutical companies are relying on more sophisticated sales teams to convince doctors to prescribe their medicines.
A deal would bring more patients and prescriptions to UnitedHealth, possibly boosting its ability to negotiate drug prices with pharma firms.
High-end design was not common in China until lately, but societal trends are making it popular with the middle class.
India's online retail startups are raking in the money while the going is good, as investors want in on one of two players who've achieved scale.
In January, the retailing giant said its botched launch in Canada meant it would take years to turn a profit.
Shocked by a deadly fire, Orthodox communities are trying to improve safety around the observation of Sabbath laws.
Acquiring Net-a-Porter would mean a commitment to a segment that Amazon has been eyeing for long.
Bluetooth or NFC technology could allow users to transmit settings to a purchased device with just a tap.
Some 98 percent of U.S. food cabinets and refrigerators contain at least one product from either Kraft or Heinz.
Here's how to get a 30-minute tryout of a watch you can't afford.
Apple Store employees will be encouraged to provide fashion advice along with Apple Watch suggestions.
In a new Kickstarter project, two sisters are hoping to bring back the Snuggie but for more intimate purposes.
Each of these 11 drugs is expected to rake in more than $1 billion in sales by 2019 and debuts on the market this year.
North Bonneville, Washington, has never been an economic powerhouse, but the legalized marijuana industry could change everything.
Gov. Bruce Rauner, who took over the licensing process from the previous administration, has said the state will comply with the court rulings.
A traditional Swiss watchmaker hopes to get in on the smartwatch action.
Between November and December in 2013, information from as many as 40 million credit and debit cards was stolen.
The subcontinent's online shopping startups are seeking huge valuations as they raise billions of dollars.
The drug will treat a rare form of blood cancer.
The Brewers Association says craft brewers set a record high for market share in 2014.
At the CeBIT trade fair in Germany, Alibaba founder Jack Ma said the tech giant is working on payment technology that uses facial recognition.
Valeant will pay $11.1 billion to acquire Salix Pharmaceuticals' stomach disorders medicines.
Retail employees will reportedly determine the value of the device and offer an Apple Store gift card in exchange.
The Shinjuku boutique is one of three under construction in department stores around the world.
The Russian law, which was passed in 2013, has received international criticism for banning gay "propaganda."
The move is expected to meet growing demand for its Snickers and Galaxy bars.
Proliferation of knockoffs has been a good gauge of demand for the real thing. Galaxy Gear would love to have this problem.
The Chinese company uses a creative marketing approach in a bid to sell the Redmi 2 and Mi Pad in its second-largest market.