• Coronavirus is now affecting a lot of people all over the world
  • In the UK, there are now 8 confirmed cases 
  • One doctor warned that coronavirus could become a huge problem in the said country

Coronavirus is now a global problem, with more people getting infected by the lethal virus each day. The death toll has also risen to more than 1,100 causing more countries to exert more effort to help contain the disease and prevent more of their constituents from being infected.

In fact, in the UK, a recent Express report stated that there was an addition of four persons who got infected. Now, there are 8 cases of coronavirus infection in the country. While the risk level remains “moderate,” one famous TV doctor warned that the virus could become a huge problem for the country.

Dr. Hilary Jones said that at this stage, the UK must not be worried about the virus. She added, though, that while it may not be a problem at present, it has the probability of becoming one if “selfish people” will abscond from quarantine.

In villages near Beijing people are going to great lengths to keep themselves coronavirus-free
In villages near Beijing people are going to great lengths to keep themselves coronavirus-free AFP / GREG BAKER

Jones said that with 8 cases out of 65 million people, it is not much to worry about. However, she also highlighted the fear that the coronavirus has brought. She recounted that she had received a few emails from people who are very much concerned about their safety. One email even stated that her children have immune problems and so they’ve got to go to a specialist hospital. The concerned parent would ask if they should be traveling.

Dr. Jones also explained the circumstances of individuals who are under quarantine. She said that people who have viruses must understand that if they would abscond from quarantine, then they would be able to infect the rest of the world.

According to Dr. Jones, the mortality rate from coronavirus is very likely to affect those who have pre-existing medical conditions and the elderly. They are the ones that are prone. She said that fit young people; it may be like other flu viruses.

The latest coronavirus case in the UK was said to have been linked to a British man who got the virus from a conference that he attended in Singapore. He then traveled to France. It was in Brighton that he was diagnosed with the disease and got treatment in London. After the British man’s trip to France, there were five more persons who got infected.

The coronavirus, also known as the 2019-nCoV, is a new respiratory disease that was not previously diagnosed in human beings. The virus was first discovered in Wuhan, Hubei Province, in China.