• An individual can get coronavirus disease by touching a surface/object that is contaminated
  • Human coronaviruses can persist on inanimate surfaces- plastic, glass or metal for up to 9 days
  • To avoid getting infected disinfect or deep clean the surfaces or objects

Ever since the novel human coronavirus became the global health concern leading to severe respiratory tract infections spreading through contaminated surfaces, people throughout the world have been taking adequate measures to deep clean. It has been unknown as to how long the deadly virus can linger on contaminated surfaces with the potential of infecting individuals.

Gunter Kampf et al sought to review the literature to find out how long the coronavirus can persist on inanimate surfaces and what can destroy them completely.

“The analysis of 22 studies reveals that human coronaviruses such as Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) coronavirus, Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS) coronavirus or endemic human coronaviruses (HCoV) can persist on inanimate surfaces like metal, glass or plastic for up to 9 days, but can be efficiently inactivated by surface disinfection procedures with 62-71% ethanol, 0.5% hydrogen peroxide or 0.1% sodium hypochlorite within 1 minute,” concluded the study published in the Journal of Hospital infections.

According to the CDC, an individual can get the novel coronavirus disease by touching a surface or object that has been contaminated with the virus and then touching their own body part including nose, eyes, or mouth.

Individuals are considered to be most contagious when they are the sickest or the most symptomatic. In some cases, the virus can spread even before people start exhibiting symptoms. However, the CDC opines that this might not be the main way the virus spreads.

Since COVID-19 is an emerging disease, there is much to be learned about its severity, transmissibility, and other features.

The CDC also opines that it is far more likely that one contracts influenza compared to the novel coronavirus. The flu virus can live on surfaces for as long as 48 hours and potentially infect an individual if the surface hasn’t been disinfected or deep cleaned, mentioned CNN Health.

Experts recommend frequent hand-washing, avoiding contact with sick people and adhering to home quarantine recommendations according to the latest public health agency guidelines, particularly if you have recently traveled from China or were in contact with a suspected infected person.

Coronaviruses spread via contaminated surfaces geralt, Pixabay