Australia is on track of raise coal exports to meet rising demand in Asia.
Siemens mulls quitting Aussie mine project amid protests
Strong winds create Australian 'megablaze'
Kylie Jenner has donated $1 million to help Australians affected by fires.
Australia bushfires spark 'unprecedented' climate disinformation
Navy brings emergency beer to fire-hit Aussie town
Cricket legend Warne's cap raises Aus$1m for bushfire appeal
Australian animals face extinction threat as bushfire toll mounts
A NASA animation that combines data from satellite instruments shows the smoke from Australia fires already travelling halfway across the world. The smoke is expected to circle the Earth at least once.
Heatwave, strong winds fan Australia bushfire threat
Taiwan’s voters are all set to decide on who will rule over the island for the next four years Saturday.
Fire-hit Australian farmers vow to rise from the ashes
Pope slams leaders on 'weak' response to climate change
Australia bushfires flare as heatwave brings renewed misery
Due to the ongoing bushfires in Australia, an evolutionary biologist warned that massive wildfires could trigger mass extinctions across different species.
Stokes makes case for Test cricket as debate rages over 5-day format
Roger Federer and Rafael Nadal will lead a charity event in Australia for the benefit of the victims of the bushfire crisis in the country.
Prince Charles fired Queen Elizabeth's top aide two years ago.
Meghan Markle's son Archie, also has the so-called the Archie Harrison Effect.
2019 second hottest year on record: EU
Airlines avoiding flying through Iran and Iraq airspace
Snake catcher arrived at the home after receiving information that a snake with a bulging belly was found in the garden. The snake catcher initially thought the 7-foot-long reptile had swallowed up a possum but soon realized that it had eaten a cat.