Ahead of Nigeria's elections, Boko Haram is stepping up its campaign of violence — and using women to carry it out.
Violence has escalated in Nigeria in the weeks ahead of the country's presidential election Feb. 14.
Security sources said Boko Haram burnt a mosque and killed several civilians in towns bordering with Cameroon, AFP reported.
Boko Haram launched a new assault on Maiduguri, the town it hopes to make the capital of its Nigerian caliphate.
The assault is the second the group has launched against the strategically important city of Maiduguri in the past week.
Chadian fighter jets dropped bombs Saturday on the Nigerian town of Gamboru, which is occupied by Boko Haram insurgents.
United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon announces support for deployment of the African Union soldiers at a summit in Ethiopia.
The bloc has backed a plan that calls for the creation of a regional five-nation force of 7,500 troops to fight the militant group.
The town of Malumfatori was recaptured from Boko Haram fighters on Thursday by Chadian forces.
The militants released young men, women and children who were kidnapped on Jan 6. At least 20 other people are still being held.
Researchers aren't sure how the weapons got there, but it probably violates trade agreements.
Tuesday's speech is expected to go light on foreign policy despite the myriad issues facing the world.
Neighboring Cameroon and Chad have been drawn into the Nigerian conflict.
Early reports indicate about 80 people, most of them children, were kidnapped by the Islamist militant group Sunday morning.
"Today's march is a strong signal, a warning to Boko Haram," Chad's prime minister says Saturday.
The Nigerian Islamist group had, last week, allegedly killed over 2,000 people, including women and children, in the town of Baga.
The extremist group is extending its territory and terror in Nigeria.
The explosion killed three people and injured dozens just days after the deadliest attack in Boko Haram’s history.
About 7,300 Nigerians fled to Chad this week in the wake of attacks by the Islamist militant group Boko Haram that reportedly killed 2,000.
Residents of Baga who fled to neighboring Chad said that the militant group killed many and set the town on fire.
Armed gunmen kidnapped 40 youths from the remote Nigerian village of Malari.
Boko Haram has stepped up its attacks on both sides of the border in recent weeks, raising concerns that it could begin to threaten Cameroon’s security.