China's top search engine Baidu Inc forecast revenue well ahead of Wall Street's expectations as large advertisers increased spending, sending its shares up around 7 percent.
Baidu Inc forecast revenue well ahead of Wall Street's expectations as major advertisers shrugged off fears of a Chinese economic slowdown, and its shares rose 7 percent.
The U.S. Federal Reserve's much criticized bond buying spree had only mild side-effects on other economies but the process of tightening monetary policy eventually may reverberate more harshly, an IMF report said on Monday.
Another impasse at the U.S. debt ceiling talks caused gold to touch new highs on Monday. Spot gold rose to a record $1,622.49 per ounce, an increase of 1.1 percent, as investors became nervous about the possibility of a U.S. rating downgrade. There are analysts who believe that irrespective of whether there will be a debt deal in the U.S. or not, gold will continue to rise higher, basically because of the residual weakness of the dollar.
China may have lost a 15 billion euro contract.
Two fake Apple stores shut down in Kunming while three others get to stay open.
Not for the first time, asset managers may be playing a high-risk game as they face the threat of a U.S. debt default without concrete contingency plans.
Policymakers worldwide oscillated between hope and confidence on Monday that U.S. lawmakers will break a debt impasse that threatens to trigger a default and up-end global financial markets.
The deadly crash of a bullet train on China's new high speed railway raises questions of safety, technology and government accountability.
Grain prices will likely remain elevated at the end of this year, a Reuters poll showed, providing little relief to food prices while continuing to challenge policymakers battling to tamp down inflation.
The killing of rhinoceroses has reached epidemic levels in South Africa, which is home to about 90 percent of the global rhino population.
General Electric Co is moving its global X-ray headquarters to China from the United States as part of the largest U.S. conglomerate's overall drive to boost its presence in big emerging markets.
Government directives demanding journalists not question official accounts of a deadly high-speed train crash in eastern China are fueling public anger and suspicion about conflicting details of the accident, such as the death toll.
Chinese officials have ordered the closure of two out of five fake apple stores in Kunming that were uncovered last week by an American Blogger.
Secretary of State Hillary Clinton sought to reassure Asian investors over U.S. debt worries Monday, saying she was confident President Obama would ultimately reach a deal with congressional leaders to prevent a catastrophic default.
Not for the first time, asset managers may be playing a high-risk game as they face the threat of a U.S. debt default without concrete contingency plans.
Chinese officials in Kunming have ordered two fake Apple shops to close, not because of piracy or copyright concerns, but because the stores in the southwestern city did not have an official business permit.
Monday, two fake Apple stores in Kunming, China were ordered to close. But Steve Jobs may have wished otherwise, since the Apple wannabes would have benefited Apple Inc.
In a crowded multi-storeyed marketplace in downtown Shenzhen, a store owner haggles with a cigarette-smoking customer over the price for a bulk sale.
Saturday night, two bullet trains collided near Wenzhou, killing at least 43 and injuring 210. Against the government's explanation, competing narratives and video clips then emerged, reporting that the ministry was burying parts of the train wreckage near the site. Videos show at least two bodies falling out of the carriages as they are handled.
If Anders Breivik were not a mass killer he would have been an academic of quite some substance -- it is with commanding flair that he flits from one philosopher to another in his raving 1500-page thesis against multiculturalism in Europe, the idea of political correctness and the perceived Islamization of Europe. His thesis contains some of the most potent and abrasive tirades against multiculturalism to this date. Drawing on his conviction that an Islamic colonization of Europe is taking place...
Chinese officials in Kunming have ordered two fake Apple shops to close, not because of piracy or copyright concerns, but because the stores in the southwestern city did not have an official business permit.