Gold Hunger in China further bolstered by approval of first Gold Fund

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Now institutional investors in China can join the gold buying frenzy as well, which retail investors and the Chinese central bank are already engaged in. China approved the country's first mutual fund that bets on gold prices, as inflation fears fuel demand for the precious metal.
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Precious metals and USD index as on November 24

PRECIOUS ROUNDUP- Silver set to be best performer in November

The week to November 24 was marked by tensions in Korean peninsula that prompted investors to flee from risky assets to safer avenues like US dollar and gold, helping the yellow metal outshine its colleagues in the precious group. However, silver and palladium remained strong in the month, mainly helped by demand for cheaper alternatives in jewelry and industrial applications.
World leader's reaction to Wikileaks

Wikileaks: China to Germany, US diplomacy smacks of quid-pro-quo dealings

The year 2010 was not good for Google in China and the hacking was, indeed, part of a sabotage attempt carried out with help from the government quarters, reveal the classified U.S. documents released by Wikileaks on Sunday. China to Germany, US diplomacy generally smacks of quid-pro-quo dealings, as ever.
South Korean President Lee Myung-Bak (R) meets Chinese State Councillor Dai Bingguo at the presidential Blue House in Seoul November 28, 2010.

China calls for emergency talks, South Korea 'accidentally' fires into DMZ

China on Sunday proposed an emergency meeting of all nations involved in the Six-Party Talks over North Korea in early December. Seoul responded immediately dismissing the resumption of talks as not timely. Meanwhile, South Korea had mistakenly fired an artillery shell towards the Demilitarized Zone (DMZ)
South Korea an US begin joint military exercises on the Yellow Sea

China to make 'urgent' announcement on Korean tension, drills

Beijing is set to make an 'urgent' announcement on Sunday afternoon in the wake of US-south Korea military drills in the Yellow Sea. The Chinese government had earlier warned both countries that the military activity in the region could escalate tensions.
WikiLeaks logo

Did Turkey help al-Qaeda in Iraq? Wikileaks' release may have answer

According to the London-based daily al-Hayat, the WikiLeaks release includes documents showing Turkey has helped al-Qaeda in Iraq, So far, the countries making rounds in news and on Twitter which may figure in Wikileaks' release include the United Kingdom, Canada, Australia, Denmark, Norway, Israel, Iraq, India, China, Turkey, Russia and Iceland.
North's military might would not let South tame the communist regime

By all odds...

North Korea's fire power and military might foil South's attempts to tame the communist regime, by all odds.
Crude in recent years

CRUDE OIL- Strategy more fundamental than technical

Performance of the US dollar, Europe's periphery issues, inflation in developing world, consumption by developed ones, and of late, tensions in Korean peninsula- a lot of things are weighing on oil. The net result in recent weeks was positive for the greenback and therefore negative for oil. Still, the commodity is set to end this week with a positive note despite losing more than a dollar from its intra-week high by Friday. So, what is the trend? Where is oil heading?

A tale of two retail giants on Black Friday

As the stock market focuses its gaze upon the holiday shopping season, two of the most prominent companies in the retail sector that may attract much attention are Wal-Mart Stores Inc. (NYSE: WMT) and Target Corp. (NYSE: TGT).
China says climate talks must tackle rich CO2 cuts

EU to ban industrial gas credits

The European Commission announced plans on Thursday to ban trading credits related to certain industrial gases from its Emissions Trading System (ETS) starting from 2013.
Russia's President Dmitry Medvedev (R)

Russia gets closer to joining WTO after 17 years

After nearly a 17-year long wait, Russia could finally be a member of the World Trade Organization by 2011, as it finally reached a deal with European Union, the last opposing member, on Wednesday.
Civil war in Sudan could cost $100 bn

A reignited civil war in Sudan could cost $100 bn : Report

A reignited civil war after the Southern Sudan referendum on independence could cost the International community and the country at least $100 billion, a think-thank report said. The January 9 vote is likely to go in the favor of the oil-rich South Sudan's demand of secession from the North. Tensions have been escalating in the region with reports of a fresh wave of attacks led by the government troops on South Sudan regions.
Nymex WTI futures performance versus USD index - OPEC data

OIL OUTLOOK: How long will it stay ranged? Will it rise above $100?

Dollar, Korea, Ireland, Asian demand, inventories and technicals - a lot of things are weighing on oil now. But market participants find the question if the commodity has reached its bottom technically and on robust demand in some regions, or will a dollar rally or geopolitical developments force it break below the current range, tough to answer.
Sarah Palin's latest gaffe, calls North Korea an "ally"

Sarah Palin's latest gaffe: Calls North Korea an 'ally'

Within days after she announced her intention to run for the President, Sarah Palin, the former governor of Alaska, is caught up with yet another gaffe. This time, referring to North Korea as an ally of the United States.


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