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coronavirus sleeping prone position

COVID-19 Updates: Chinese Study Suggests This Sleeping Position For Patients Experiencing Mild Symptoms

The coronavirus, officially known as SARS-CoV-2, which is the virus that causes COVID-19, outbreak caught everyone by surprise. The new virus strain had distinct differences with other types of coronaviruses that public health advice and governmental policy are all based on emerging research. A new study has been added to the existing research, which suggests sleeping in a particular position may lessen the harm posed by COVID-19.
twice positive coronavirus

Wuhan Doctors Reveal Recovered Coronavirus Patients Again Test Positive

Doctors in Wuhan reveal that up to 10% of recovered COVID-19 patients in the city again tested positive for the virus. The tests were conducted after the patients were discharged from the hospital. Researchers around the globe have been trying to find out if recovered patients can still infect people with SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19, or whether they have developed antibodies. Generally, such antibodies would offer immunity from the disease.
coronavirus loss of hearing symptom

COVID-19 Update: Unusual First Sign Revealed By Woman Who Got Infected In Italy

The wanton destruction that the coronavirus pandemic is causing resulted in 24,087 deaths worldwide with 19,357 remaining in critical or serious condition. In terms of the number of infections, it has already surpassed the half-a-million mark with 532,224 total confirmed cases worldwide. Although 124,326 patients have already recovered, scientists say it is far from over. Every day, new symptoms are also discovered, such as the one revealed by a woman who got infected in Italy.


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