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Blockchain technology received a crucial endorsement from President Xi Jinping last week, a signal that the government sees it as an integral part of the country's plan to become a high-tech superpower

China Gets Into Blockchain Race With US

China has launched an ambitious effort to challenge the US dominance in blockchain technology, which it could use for everything from issuing digital money, to streamlining a raft of government services and tracking Communist Party loyalty.The technology received a crucial endorsement from President Xi Jinping last week, a signal that the government sees blockchain as an integral part of the country's plan to become a high-tech superpower.
Louis To's shop is on Cheung Chau, a small island in the waters west of Hong Kong's famous Victoria Harbour

Hong Kong's Candyman Turns Sweets Into An Art Form

Using a pair of scissors, a blow pipe and small metal tools, Hong Kong shopkeeper Louis To whittles a chunk of molten sugar into a dragon, a talent he began honing during China's Cultural Revolution.To's shop on Cheung Chau, a small island in the waters west of Hong Kong's famous Victoria Harbour, has become a must-see for visiting tourists.There they can watch a man locals dub "The Candyman" sculpt sugar into a host of animals and fantastical creatures.
Xu Yan has travelled some 20 times from Beijing to Xuzhou in Jiangsu province in a vain struggle to get any information about Yu Wensheng

Chasing Shadows In China: Detained Lawyer's Wife Battles On

With winter approaching, Xu Yan brought some warm clothes and money for her husband to a detention centre in eastern China, though she's not even sure the arrested human rights lawyer is still being held there.Xu, 37, has travelled some 20 times from Beijing to Xuzhou in Jiangsu province in a vain struggle to get any information about Yu Wensheng after he was taken into custody last year.Her plight highlights the frustrations, fears and obstacles faced by the families of lawyers and activists who fall foul of the communist authorities and vanish into China's selectively opaque legal system.


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