Trump Willing To Stoke China's Anger, Approves $8 Billion Arms Deal To Taiwan

F-16 fighter jet
The U.S. State Department announced Tuesday that the Trump administration has formally approved sale of 66 new F-16C/D fighter jets to Taiwan with a price tag of $8 billion. This comes at a time of great tension between China and the USA, the two top military powers in the world, over trade issues, the unrest in Hong Kong and China’s aggressive stance in the South China Sea.
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Trump switches tone on Iran, raising hopes at G7

US President Donald Trump said Monday he had agreed to the Iranian foreign minister flying in for a G7 summit and insisted he was not seeking regime change in Tehran -- a change of tone that could lower tensions.Mohammad Javad Zarif made a surprise appearance at the summit in Biarritz on Sunday for talks with French President Emmanuel Macron, who is seeking to broker a deal between Iran and the United States.


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