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US Budget Deficit Up 77% As Trump's Tax Cuts Kick In

The Trump administration saw tax cuts as a means to encourage investments and boost American business and industry. The White House's protectionist policies have done little to curb the widening federal budget shortfall -- for now
China Targets Modest Growth

China Cuts Taxes, Sets Lower GDP Target For 2019

Faced with burgeoning debt and dwindling consumer spending, Beijing sees a difficult year for the world's second biggest economy. The government is hoping tax cuts will boost business activities as economic planners go for lower GDP growth rates in 2019.
GettyImages-Trump China

US, China Trade War To End Soon, All US Tariffs May Be Lifted

The long drawn U.S-China trade war may soon come to a close as both sides are reportedly nearing a deal. According to a Bloomberg report, China is insisting on the U.S to withdraw levies on $200 billion of Chinese goods quickly to finalize the deal. As a result, the U.S may lift most or all tariffs it imposed on Chinese goods.
GettyImages-Stock market March 4

Higher Start Likely For US Markets, Oil Up

Higher opening likely for the U.S markets Monday after most U.S. stock index futures moved up in the morning, on the back of hopes of an imminent trade deal between the U.S. and China.


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