GettyImages-Stock Market Feb 8

Lower Open Likely For US Markets: Oil Plunges

The U. S markets may open lower Friday as indicated by the slide in top U.S. stock index futures. Dow Jones Industrial Average futures fell 70 points at around 4:00 a.m. ET, indicating a negative open of more than 75 points. Futures on the S&P 500 and Nasdaq Composite were also downbeat.
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GettyImages-Stock Exchange feb 6

US Markets May Open Lower: Oil Up, Gold Steady

Top stock index futures in the U.S traded lower Wednesday morning after President Donald Trump’s State of the Union address. At 3 a.m. ET, Dow futures slipped 48 points, hinting negative open of more than 80 points. Futures of S&P 500 and the Nasdaq also traded lower.
GettyImages-China Tariff Trump

US Tariffs Injured China, New Shutdown Possible, Says Trump

President Donald Trump has said the U.S tariffs injured Chinese economy and it is paying a big price. Speaking at the CBS News' “Face the Nation,” Trump touched upon a variety of issues including trade with China and state of the American economy.
GettyImages-New York stock exchange

Slower Start Likely For US Markets: Oil Up, Gold Slips

Trends indicate a slower start to the U.S markets on Monday. At around 3:00 a.m. ET, Dow Jones Industrial Average futures slipped 15 points hinting a negative open of more than 36 points. Futures of the S&P and Nasdaq were also slightly downbeat.


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