The U.S. is still relying on cyberattacks to hamper North Korea’s plans for intercontinental ballistic missiles.
Russia has the world's second biggest military, with more than 1 million troops, 3,500 war planes and 15,000 tanks. China is the world's third biggest military with roughly 2.3 million soldiers and 3,000 war planes.
The announcement that China would boost its military spending came just days after President Donald Trump said he had the same plans for the U.S. armed forces.
Pyongyang has been under U.N. sanctions since 2006, and the council took tough measures following the reclusive country's fifth nuclear test in September 2016.
The E.U. Parliament voted to restrict visa-free access to its 28 member states for all U.S. citizens until Washington granted the same status to five eastern European countries and Cyprus.
Beijing reportedly began a cruise to the contested Paracel Islands with 308 passengers from Sanya city in the country’s southeast Thursday.
Wang Guoqing, spokesman for the country’s top political advisory body, said criticism from the U.S., Japan and other nations over its construction in the coveted waterway was “much ado about nothing.”
The Galaxy S7 models in three new European countries are now updating to Android 7.0 Nougat.
Beijing released a report that offered a way for other countries to build their own "Great Firewall."
Uighur people have mainly lived in the autonomous Xinjiang region in China, where nearly 10 million of them account for half the region’s population.
CEO Elon Musk had earlier predicted that China could become the company's biggest market.
Washington and Seoul will deploy the anti-ballistic missile system sometime next year.
China's military activities in the disputed waters are being perceived as a threat by several Southeast Asian countries and the West.
Huntsman previously served as ambassador to China and Singapore.
Russia's Alexander Zhebin, a regional analyst and expert on North Korea, said North Korea developed its weapons to protect from U.S. invasions such as those in the Middle East.
The missiles that have a range of 26,000 feet will be distributed across the U.S. Army, Navy and Marine Corps.
China has responded to the Islamic State group's "first direct threat" against Beijing by calling for international cooperation in fighting terrorism.
The observatory will reportedly keep track of undersea physical, chemical, and geological dynamics.
The Saudi king brought more than 500 tons of equipment, which includes two Mercedes-Benz S600 limousines, a private escalator, and two electric lifts.
Javier “Chicharito” Hernández has again been strongly linked with a transfer to Major League Soccer.
Hours before Donald Trump officially unveiled his budget, defense contractors' share prices continued to hit record highs.
The world's most populated nation is on track to peak its carbon emissions far earlier than anticipated.