The joint drills, between the former Cold War-era rivals, is another sign of shifting alliances in South Asia.
The deal follows almost 18 months of wrangling over financial terms between New Delhi and Dassault Aviation.
The new Moto M smartphone from Lenovo will come with a 5.5-inch full HD display, an aluminum body and a more budget-friendly price tag.
The public release of the tools coincided with U.S. officials saying they had concluded that Russia or its proxies were responsible for hacking political party organizations.
The Philippines president last month called the United Nations "inutile" and gave a middle-finger gesture on Tuesday to the EU.
Xia Lin is the latest in a series of activists and lawyers to be sentenced as President Xi Jinping's administration tightens control over civil society.
The Chinese government announced it would roll out the program on a limited basis next year.
Chinese officials are preparing for their first space station to crash into Earth.
Expectations are low that Hanjin Shipping, the world's seventh-largest container carrier, will survive.
Norea Korea's nuclear ambitions saw U.S. President Barack Obama and Chinese Premier Li Keqiang discuss during a United Nations Security Council meeting in New York Monday possible U.N. sanctions against the isolated nation.
Nearly half of all immigrants in the U.S. are naturalized citizens.
In a first, two separate teams of researchers successfully carried out long-distance quantum teleportation using commercial optical fiber networks.
The commercial satellite imagery was released by 38 North after North Korean media claimed Tuesday that the country conducted a successful rocket engine test.
The Democratic presidential nominee supported the deal — unpopular with trade unions and environmental groups — while she was Secretary of State, but has opposed it since.
China and the U.S. also are targeting the finances of Hongxiang Industrial, a Chinese company headed by a Communist Party cadre, that the Obama administration thinks has a role in the North's nuclear program.
How to know if your Galaxy Note 7's battery is safe.
The Asian powerhouse was reacting to a speech given by the Dalai Lama, who it calls a separatist, at the EU Parliament on Sept. 15.
The Southeast Asian country, the world's top supplier of nickel, is carrying out an environmental audit of its mining industry, and has already closed 10 mines.
The GOP nominee says the U.S. economy would grow by four percent a year. Economists are skeptical.
New report finds last fossil fuel car would have to be sold by 2035 to meet global warming goals.
The electric car maker said Thursday the companies broke up because the Israeli chipmaker was unhappy with Tesla’s development of its own vision system.
Researchers believe a dinosaur from the genus Psittacosaurus used countershading, a camouflage method used by some present-day animals.