Fang Xinghai, a senior economic adviser to the Chinese leadership, said Thursday communication is a problem for China.
The textbook publisher, hit by falling college enrollments in the U.S. and changes in U.K. policy, issued a profit warning Thursday.
By Thursday morning, more than 40,000 people had left comments demanding Taiwan's return to China.
Worries about slowing growth damaged sentiment, but some analysts say rising wages will still bring healthy consumption growth.
Major U.S. and European banks are looking for ways to improve margins amid falling revenues and tough market conditions.
Purchasing Sharp would allow Foxconn to offer customers like Apple, Amazon and Xiaomi a more integrated manufacturing solution.
The ECB had not been expected to expand its quantitative easing program Thursday, despite low oil prices.
The quake damaged a few dozen homes in Menyuan county in northwestern Qinghai province but no casualties were reported.
In sync with crude oil prices, Asian markets recovered briefly Thursday morning before falling as oil prices slid again.
Police rescued 15 infants from the ring, which had been selling children from the country’s remote southeast for as little as about $3,000.
Singapore reversed earlier-day losses of as much as 3 percent.
Companies like Microsoft, Oracle, Cisco and others face a tough 12 months as clients slash IT spending and consumers hold back from buying devices.
The slide of more than 25 percent in oil prices so far this year has piled more pain on oil drillers and producing nations.
U.S, European and Asian stock markets slide as the relentless slump in oil prices continues to drag on risk assets.
Confidence about near-term sales growth among chief executives around the world has fallen to its lowest level in six years.
About 11 percent of former study abroad participants said they tried controlled substances for the first time while in a foreign country.
Researchers at the Center for Strategic and International Studies said Tuesday the U.S. faces challenges in securing its interests.
Some experts say the U.S. is heading for another economic downturn, but that doesn't mean it's time to panic. Here are some steps you can take to protect yourself.
Tensions between Iran and Saudi Arabia, political turmoil in Brazil and uncertainty over growth in China were all matters of concern, according to a panel at the World Economic Forum in Davos.
With iPhone sales growth reported to be decelerating quickly, Apple is now looking to the subcontinent for future growth.
Japan’s national indexes, Nikkei 225 and Topix, have shed more than 20 percent since their peak last year.
Earlier this month, Vietnam accused China of violating its sovereignty by landing a plane on the disputed Spratly Islands in the South China Sea.