China says other countries should not read too much into the placement of a new map on its passports.
Police in the southern Chinese island province of Hainan will board and search ships that trespass into what China deems its territorial waters in the South China Sea, state media said Thursday.
For more than 3,000 years, traditional Chinese medicine has been an integral part of Chinese culture and the predominant medical treatment for a large part of the population.
Will the addition of a physical test component to China's already grueling "gaokao" college entrance exam cause more harm than good?
A Chinese alcohol producer is being investigated after several cancer-causing agents were found in bottles of their liquor.
Credit Suisse said another big divestment was coming to the Asian insurance market.
The U.S. has said that China cannot be called a currency manipulator despite the fact that the yuan remains undervalued.
China is considering easing of its strict “one-child” family planning policy as the increasingly graying population poses demographic challenges to the most populous country in the world, according to a former member of the National Family Planning Commission.
Chinese social media users are showing just how happy they are that their country now has a functional aircraft carrier.
A new report, "The Learning Curve," ranks Finland the best educational performer on Earth -- and four Asian countries are the runners up.
A sex tape of Lei Zhengfu has stirred controversy in China after a journalist leaked it and claims he has more of other Chinese officials.
China's state-run newspaper, the People's Daily, ran a spoof article by the satirical newspaper as factually true. Small consolation: The Iranians fell for it too.
Prospects for global economic growth are diminishing, the OECD said Tuesday.
Satellite images has shown that activities in a North Korean missile launch site have increased significantly, indicating that the country is preparing for the launch of a long-range ballistic missile in the next three weeks.
China’s defense minister reassured Western nations on Tuesday that his nation’s growing military posed no threat to global stability.
In an angry response to China’s decision to include in its revised passports an offending map, which shows Beijing staking its claim on the entire South China Sea, Vietnamese officials are refusing to stamp the visa pages in the new Chinese passports.
Thailand’s industrial output grew in October more than expected compared with its output during the same period last year, indicating an upswing in manufacturing.
Russia may be helping to prop up the Syrian regime by airlifting billions in dollars in cash.
China's new passports include watermark images of several disputed land and maritime areas. Several countries are demanding China change the passports.
China's J-15 fighter jet was designed and manufactured with the help of Luo Yang, who died of a heart attack while aboard the aircraft carrier.
Samsung Electronics, the No. 1 seller of smartphones, acknowledged “inadequate practices” in its plants in China.
China has taken a major military step forward with the first successful landing of one of its fighter jets on its first aircraft carrier.