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Canada won't confirm it's withdrawing from Kyoto

Canada dismissed the Kyoto Protocol on climate change on Monday as a thing of the past, but declined to confirm a media report it will formally pull out of the international treaty before the end of this year.

Five Ideas to Create U.S. Jobs

U.S. Job Market
The stark truth of the matter is that unless the private sector starts hiring en masse (including non-profit organizations), absent a surge in exports, it will be up to the public sector to provide stimulus to create jobs.
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China's Retail Market

Gap says to triple China network in 2012

Apparel brand Gap Inc said on Friday that it aims to triple its store network in China next year, one of the latest foreign brands to target the country's consumer spending growth.
Pakistan Protests NATO Attack

U.S.-Pakistani Co-Dependence May Prevent Rupture

Pakistan and the United States may be a little too dependent on each other to allow the death of two dozen Pakistani soldiers, in airstrikes by NATO forces on Saturday, to cause a definitive rupture.
A dealer walks past an electronic board in the investors' gallery at the Amman Stock Exchange November 21, 2011.

Global Economic Recovery Petering Out: OECD

The global economic recovery is running out of steam, leaving the euro zone stuck in a mild recession and the United States at risk of following suit, the OECD said on Monday, sharply cutting its forecasts.
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Rio Tinto says commodities customers more cautious

Global miner Rio Tinto warned on Monday that further cracks may be emerging in global commodities markets as the economies of Europe and the United States waver, with its customers increasingly cautious on the outlook.
A common thresher shark (Alopias vulpinus) with its dorsal fin cut off.

The Shark Fin Soup Tradeoff

Over the past year, the international movement to halt the shark fin trade has made leaps and bounds, moving up the chain from campaigns targeting consumers to efforts by politicians to implement stricter legislation against the sale, possession and distribution of shark fins. From the U.S. West Coast to Europe and Asia, progress is being made to turn the dish itself into an endangered menu item.
At Issue: U.S. Job Growth

A New Yorker's Opinion: Can America's Decline, and Declining Job-Base, Be Reversed?

I had just been chatting, over a ridiculously expensive turkey sandwich that Monday (right before Thanksgiving, what was I thinking?), about the declining fortunes of the once-great American Empire. But enough, for the moment, about me, first let's see what Columbia's Herbert J. Gans, emeritus professor of sociology, had to say about superfluous jobs in his recent New York Times Op-Ed piece--and whether what he astutely observed could lead, within the century, to the breakup of th...
Anti-government protesters pray next to the bodies of people who were among the Sunni Muslims killed on Wednesday, in Hula near Homs November 2, 2011.

Arab League Prepares Plans for Sanctions Against Syria

Arab officials will prepare plans for sanctions against Syria on Saturday over its failure to let Arab League monitors oversee an initiative aimed at ending a violent crackdown on protesters seeking an end to President Bashar al-Assad's rule.


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