The city-state renowned for planning is preparing for technology that carmakers are racing to put to market.
British Prime Minister David Cameron, who meets with European Union (EU) leaders this week, has kept them waiting for his demands about creating a legal framework for an EU membership referendum.
Republican presidential front-runner Donald Trump had harsh words for German Chancellor Angela Merkel's commitment to take in hundreds of thousands of refugees.
The detentions came a day after two suicide bombers killed at least 95 people at a peace rally in the Turkish capital of Ankara.
Asked whether she could give her word that there would be no tax increases in connection with the refugee crisis, Angela Merkel replied, "Yes, definitely."
Listening to Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras and his re-elected leftist government, you would think the revolution had been postponed, not canceled.
Britain is seeking a rebalancing of power in the bloc, with reforms that would include allowing groups of national parliaments to scrap EU laws.
French Finance Minister Michel Sapin said Europe needed to mobilize all its existing financial resources before thinking about new funding measures.
Trade unions, environmental organizations and consumer-rights groups all demonstrated against the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership.
Germany and the European Commission are talking about implementing a so-called solidarity tax, which could help alleviate the effects of Europe's refugee crisis.
The group stage in Paris, France is finishing up this weekend, watch all the action here.
A German politician has threatened to take the government to court over Chancellor Angela Merkel's open-door refugee policy.
There have been almost 500 attacks this year on homes intended for refugees in Germany.
McDonald's, known for high-calorie Big Macs and salty French fries, has especially struggled with how to appeal to health-conscious German consumers.
Meanwhile, Volkswagen's Australia unit said it will conduct a voluntary recall of nearly 100,000 vehicles equipped with emissions-rigging software.
The first group of refugees left for Sweden Friday under the plan, which aims to relocate 160,000 asylum-seekers across the EU over the next two years.
The organization won for "its decisive contribution to the building of a pluralistic democracy in Tunisia in the wake of the Jasmine Revolution of 2011."
Investors were buoyed by the minutes of the U.S. Federal Reserve's September meeting that cast doubts over the chances of a rate hike this year.
"I think the likelihood of Hitler being able to accomplish his goals would have been greatly diminished if the people had been armed," GOP candidate Carson said.
News hit investors Thursday that Credit Suisse was seeking extra risk-absorbing capital, a day after Deutsche Bank announced massive writedowns.
Volkswagen's U.S. boss admitted Thursday that most of the emissions-cheating cars need hardware repairs, not just software patches.
Paris is crowdfunding part of its bid for the 2024 Olympics. Some 60,000 supporters have already donated.