The president also plans to ask Congress for more money to fund and train the moderate opposition in Syria, a source says.
U.S. officials have said the administration's goal is to "degrade and destroy" ISIS. What does that actually mean?
The president reportedly is prepared to authorize airstrikes in Syria against the Islamic State, without approval from Congress.
The president is expected to make the case that a coalition of forces and targeted airstrikes can defeat ISIS.
U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry was holding meetings just 7 miles from the blast.
Kerry’s visit starts a day after Obama reportedly expressed his readiness for airstrikes against ISIS in Syria without Congressional approval.
The president told Congress he didn't need its approval for his strategy to go after the Islamic State.
The U.S. has no evidence suggesting journalist Steven Sotloff was sold to the ISIS militants who killed him, as his grieving family claims.
The president's pensiveness on foreign policy projects weakness, according to critics.
News that an ISIS fighter had worked at a U.S. airport stokes fears of another 9/11. But experts don't know if ISIS is a threat to the U.S.
GSK could ultimately face a multi-million dollar settlement payment or fine.
Iraq's parliament had, earlier on Monday, approved a new government and named Haider al-Abadi as the country's prime minister.
Barak Barfi, a spokesperson for the slain journalist's family, also accused the U.S government of making a "number of inaccurate statements."
Baghdad ends political gridlock over new government as ISIS rebels blow themselves up in a town near the capital.
The new U.N. human rights chief urged world powers on Monday to protect women and minorities targeted by Islamic State militants in Iraq and Syria, saying the fighters were trying to create a "house of blood.
President Obama is set to lay out his strategy for fighting ISIS in a speech Wednesday. Here's a list of what he might announce.
For ISIS supporters in Canada, Britain, the U.S. and other non-Muslim nations, joining the Islamic State is all about meeting the right people.
The attacks reportedly targeted a major Sunni tribe called the Al-Jabour, which has sided with Iraqi forces against Islamic State.
US airstrikes are helping Iraqi ground troops regain territory lost to the Islamic State.
Abu Qatada, who is being tried on terror charges in Jordan, called the Islamic State a “killing and demolition machine."
The Arab League endorsed a UNSC resolution calling on states to "act to suppress the flow of foreign fighters, financing and other support to Islamist extremist groups in Iraq and Syria".
"In some ways, we are solving a non-existent problem because we can't solve the existing ones," a Western defense official, speaking on condition of anonymity, said as the 28-nation summit ended on Friday.