Texas Muslim Capital Day, which was created with the goal of teaching Muslims how the state government in Austin works, has been held every other year for more than a decade.
"This decision is not directed at a certain religion," the UAE foreign minister said on Trump's travel ban on seven Muslim-majority countries.
Dr. Suha Abushamma alleged that immigration authorities “misled and coerced” her into signing forms over the weekend that led to the cancellation of her work visa.
U.K.’s Home Secretary Amber Rudd branded the travel ban imposed by U.S. President Donald Trump as a “potential propaganda opportunity” for ISIS.
Viber is not charging a fee for calls between the United States and the seven countries affected by President Trump's executive order in an effort to show their support to immigrants.
“The recent executive orders … will not improve our security,” Gov. Charlie Baker said in a statement.
The news comes amid an ongoing furore over U.S. President Donald Trump's plans to meet the longest-living monarch.
The work on the controversial ban began during Donald Trump’s transition period following the election, and before his inauguration earlier this month.
Sally Yates, who questioned the legality of the executive order banning immigrants from seven countries, was replaced as acting attorney general by U.S. Attorney Dana Boente of Richmond, Virginia.
The effects of the executive order are being felt by publishers and developers.
Rasmussen Reports found 82 percent of Republicans support the ban while 53 percent of Democrats oppose it.
Immigrants from countries in President Donald Trump's travel ban have established large enclaves in the U.S.
“To evaluate for possible approval or acceptance.”
"The President fundamentally disagrees with the notion of discriminating against individuals because of their faith or religion."
“The very country to which many of our people were taken as slaves during the transatlantic slave trade has now decided to ban refugees from some of our countries.”
Google has set up a $4 million emergency immigration fund to aid organizations, including the ACLU.
Across many presidential administrations, Saudi Arabia has been a key U.S. ally in the Middle East.
Islamic militant leaders reacted similarly to the 2003 U.S. invasion of Iraq, which they called “a blessed invasion” that would provoke anti-Western sentiments throughout the Islamic world.
After some confusion and worry, Canadian officials confirmed that dual citizens and permanent residents can still travel to the United States.
Give money to charity or bring granola bars to an airport.
The Canadian government stepped in to aid stranded refugees and citizens of the seven countries left unsure of where to go in the wake of Donald Trump's executive order.
The petition, which has gained over a million signatures, stated that Donald Trump’s entry into the United Kingdom would cause embarrassment to "Her Majesty the Queen."