"There is a fear men of the city will be dragged into this grinding war they have no hand in."
A widening internal rift could create space for militants affiliated with the Islamic State group to make further gains in Afghanistan.
Shares in Canada's cannabis companies soared upon the election of Justin Trudeau as the country's next prime minister.
Bill Kristol, editor of The Weekly Standard, a neoconservative opinion magazine, called the Empire "a liberal regime w meritocracy, upward mobility. Neocon/reformicon in spirit."
Hizb ut-Tahrir is a controversial movement that has called for the establishment of a state based on the Islamic model of a caliphate but has rejected violence.
The Syrian civil war is responsible for a growing number of Palestinian casualties.
The militant group urged Palestinians to attack Jews using any means at their disposal, including knives, vehicles, poison and explosives.
The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said the airstrikes, which began Monday afternoon in the rebel-held Jabal al-Akrad region in northwestern province of Latakia, also killed civilians.
Counterterrorism police raided some 18 apartments they believed were being used as Islamic State group training camps.
German leaders denounced Patriotic Europeans Against the Islamization of the West ahead of what is expected to be a large rally on its anniversary Monday.
While this year’s figure is nowhere near 2012’s total of $65 billion, defense officials see 2015 as a more honest representation of the state of the industry.
Jake Tapper asked Bush if his brother's administration left America open for attack, as the GOP accuses Hillary Clinton of doing in Benghazi.
Republican presidential candidate Ben Carson said Sunday that if the U.S. had announced a plan to stop using foreign oil, Arab countries would have revealed Osama bin Laden right away.
Arabs in the U.K., whom the government wants to step up and counter extremist ideology, constitute less than four percent of Muslims in the country.
A day before he's scheduled to unveil a new counterterrorism strategy, British Prime Minister David Cameron pledged $7.7 million to root out extremism in the country.
Henriette Reker was at a campaign event at a local market in Cologne, Germany, when she was attacked.
“We call on all sides concerned to join the work of this information center,” Russian President Vladimir Putin said, adding he would like the "broadest coalition possible."
The German chancellor's visit to Turkey comes just days after the Middle Eastern country rebuffed a joint action program to tackle the region's refugee crisis.
To parents of active-duty soldiers and veterans, U.S. President Barack Obama's decision to keep thousands of troops in Afghanistan was much more than politics.
The assailants opened fire at Shiite worshipers who gathered to observe Ashura, one of the holiest Shiite religious festivals.
Five people were killed and nine injured after a gunman opened fire at a Shiite Muslim gathering hall Friday.
"We have heard … about situations where recruiters were paid from $2,000, $3,000 to $10,000, depending on ... who was recruited," a U.N. expert said Friday.