An enormous prehistoric crocodile had teeth similar to the T. Rex so it could chew through bones.
When animals have too much sex with multiple partners, they are killing themselves.
"Lion King," first released in 1994, is one of the highest grossed animated films ever, generating $968.5 million worldwide.
Cyclone Enawo was "expected to further intensify over the next 12 hours" before making landfall Tuesday.
Sharks represent a major crisis for Reunion, located east of Madagascar and home to about 850,000 people.
Zoo Atlanta named the baby insect after the Patriots quarterback to settle a bet with a New England zoo.
Researchers hope to construct the ancient land of Mauritia that once linked India to Madagascar.
Called Geckolepis megalepis, the gecko has the largest known body scales, in both relative and absolute terms, for any gecko, and they come off very easily too.
The lava-covered crust found on the Indian Ocean island is likely a piece of an undiscovered landmass from about 200 million years ago.
Dutch-owned survey vehicle Fugro Equator has been conducting underwater search operations using the Autonomous Underwater Vehicle in its final round of searches.
Investigators with the Australian Transport Safety Bureau, the agency leading the hunt for the missing plane, said that bad weather was hampering the final stage of the search.
After a series of delays, the 120,000-square-kilometer, $145-million scan for debris from the plane was on scheduled to end this month.
The cast of “Fuller House,” “Trollhunters” and more will help you get your kids to bed early on New Year’s Eve.
Australian Federal Police said Monday they had been in contact with a group over its belief it may have found personal items that belonged to crash victims.
The scientists who made the discovery are actually geologists who were studying thermal vent formations in the southwest Indian Ocean.
A group of MH370 passengers' relatives held a news conference on the Indian Ocean island to beg residents and tourists to keep an eye out for items that may wash up on shore.
The Dutch-owned search vessel MV Fugro Equator left Australian port Fremantle to conduct a sweep of a 1,864-miles search area southwest of Perth.
Some relatives of those on board the missing plane traveled to Madagascar to search for debris from the plane and also raise awareness.
"The more debris we find, the easier it will be to find where the crash happened," Ghislain Wattrelos, who lost three relatives in the crash, told the Associated Press.
Relatives of the passengers of the missing jet left for Madagascar to lobby for an extension and said they would take the search into their own hands if needed.
Voice370, an association of relatives, will seek help from local organizations to search for debris from the missing jet.
The ill-fated Malaysia Airlines plane was in a “high and increasing rate of descent” when it made its last satellite communication, the Australian Transport Safety Bureau said.