Zimbabwe's President Robert Mugabe accused the U.K. government of racism, sadism and insensitivity for reportedly displaying the skulls in the renowned British History Museum.
The operations being acquired employ 1,500 people at six manufacturing facilities in Norway, Sweden, France and Spain.
"It’s appalling that a global brand has allowed a T-shirt like this to be produced and sold in store," said one customer.
Contract considerations come after the current fleet of B-2 stealth bombers were deployed to Britain to conduct war games over Europe.
Proceeds from the sale are expected to help Pearson turn around the company’s education business.
While some see Eko Atlantic as Nigeria’s answer to climate change, critics say the government has long neglected extreme poverty and rural infrastructure.
The eastern Ukraine conflict is in danger of reverting to the kind of warfare that saw more than 5,500 killed in the first year.
Roughly 54 percent of the French and 67 percent of Britons said they would support sending military troops to Calais, France, to manage the migrant crisis.
The Metropolitan Police told the public to proceed as normal.
Requests for information and removal of content have increased 52 percent in the past six months -- and the United States leads the way.
Some Facebook users associate their phone number with their account. A technical director found a flaw to hack into accounts based on that inclusion.
Samsung seems to have let slip a preorder date for a new Galaxy S6 Edge+ device on its website, pictured as part of a bundle with the Level Bluetooth headphones.
Scientists say butterflies, beyond their natural beauty, are important for the ecosystem. But due to drought, a number of species face possible extinction.
Corporate Amex customers can now pay for purchases using their iPhone 6 and Apple Watch.
China shares several jungle borders with it neighbors.
Italy is to receive the most aid - nearly 560 million euros, while Greece will receive 473 million.
Tensions between Spain and Britain resurfaced when Spanish authorities chased smuggler ships into British waters around the Rock of Gibraltar.
The Metropolitan Police Service urged people to be calm and go about their business as planned next weekend.
Party grandees and wealthy backers have expressed concern about the agenda of Jeremy Corbyn, the current front-runner for the leadership of the UK's Labour Party.
None of the pipes with cocaine residue came from Shakespeare’s garden, but four of the pipes containing cannabis residue did.
The head of French police deployed in Calais says British soldiers could bolster an understaffed force.