Snapchat had turned down a $3 billion acquisition offer from Facebook. Today, the company is valued at over $15 billion.
Watch Queen Elizabeth II lay out the government's goals for the new session of Parliament on Wednesday.
Despite being the disappearing messaging app, Snapchat can quickly consume a ton of your cellular data.
An investigation has found that details of sex scandals and alleged criminal acts were removed from MPs' Wikipedia pages from inside Parliament.
Cases of gonorrhea, syphilis and HIV increased significantly from 2013 to 2014.
Syrian government forces conducted at least 15 airstrikes in and around the ancient city of Palmyra, according to a monitoring group.
First Minister Peter Robinson was admitted to a Belfast hospital Monday after an apparent heart attack.
Iran has long refused access to its military sites to United Nations inspectors, who say they need to evaluate Iran's nuclear program to see if it could develop weapons.
Activity was likely to be thin this session, as UK and U.S. markets are shut on Monday.
The Conservative government will seek to hold the "Brexit" referendum under the same rules as the U.K. general election, rather than those of local or European Parliament elections.
Britain's opposition Labour Party will back Prime Minister David Cameron's plans to hold a referendum on the country's European Union membership.
The Israeli Prime Minister publicly expressed his gratitude to the Obama administration for blocking a U.N. nuclear weapons conference.
James DeGale and Andre Dirrell meet on Saturday in a battle of top contenders.
However, the Islamic State group conceded the scenario is "far-fetched" in the latest issue of its propaganda magazine Dabiq.
Bank officials were instructed to avoid mentioning the purpose of the secret project in an email leaked to the Guardian in the U.K.
A month-long review conference on the 1970 nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty ended in failure on Friday after its members were unable to overcome disagreements on an atomic weapons ban for the Middle East.
The discovery of a German bomb from World War II forced evacuations near the national stadium.
It's a harrowing condition that is practically unheard-of in the U.S. and other Western nations, yet it affects 2 million women in developing countries.
Ireland may become the first country to legalize gay marriage through a vote among citizens.
On Thursday, Anis Abid Sardar, 38, was found guilty on the counts of murder and conspiracy to murder.
Not only do cheaters need to delete their texts and do their laundry, now they need to worry about websites being hacked.
David Cameron is on a drive to reform the 28-nation European Union.