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Ecuador Embassy

Julian Assange To Give Live Statement From Ecuadorian Embassy Sunday

Wikileaks founder Julian Assange will give a live statement from “in front of the Ecuadorian embassy” at 2 p.m. on Sunday, the Web site announced via Twitter. The announcement caused a bit of confusion as to whether Assange can actually step out into public without getting arrested. There has yet to be any clarification.
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The Unofficial Alliance Of The BBC And The Guardian

In his masque in honor of chastity and free thinking, John Milton introduces to his audience the virtues of recta ratio, the ability to exercise reason and restraint in the face of temptation and libidinal desire.
Bill Gates And The Toilet Revolution: Why The World Needs Better Sanitation

Bill Gates And The Toilet Of The Future: Why The World Needs A Revolution In Better Sanitation

Bill Gates, the man responsible for bringing software to the masses with Microsoft and Windows, has plans to reinvent another industry: Sanitation. Gates, whose philanthropic efforts have helped bring clean water and resources to developing countries via the foundation founded by he and his wife Melinda, said on Wednesday that he plans to build a toilet that's better suited to developing countries in an effort to cut down on disease and death in those regions.


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