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Recyclebank Turns Trash to Rewards

Recyclebank Turns Trash to Rewards for 3+ Million Members

Your life is filled with trash. Plastic wrappers, pizza boxes, Styrofoam take-out containers, soda cans, batteries and a box full of old cellphones you don't use anymore. They aren't only cluttering your measly studio apartment, they're affecting the rest of us on the pale blue dot we know as Earth.
U.S. Defense Spending

Defense Bill 2012 - To Make U.S. Stronger, Cut Pentagon’s Budget By 50%

U.S. overspending on the military has diverted resources from civilian / social investments, including public goods, weakening the U.S. economy, and, by extension weakening the nation. If it doesn’t substantially cut defense spending, the U.S.’s empire will likely share the fate of two other empires that overspent on the military -- the British Empire and the Soviet Union.
Galaxy Nexus

Verizon Samsung Galaxy Nexus Releases Today - To Buy or Not to Buy?

The wish of the anxious Android fans was fulfilled on Dec. 15 (Thursday) as Verizon began selling the long-awaited Android 4.0-powered (Ice Cream Sandwich) Galaxy Nexus. The handset sells for $299 with a 2-year Verizon contract. No doubt, it will get scooped up like hot cakes as the smartphone is being touted as an iPhone killer but the billion dollar question is - is it really worth buying?
Galaxy Nexus

Verizon Samsung Galaxy Nexus Unleashed Today: Where and How to Buy

The most wanted Android smartphone, Samsung Galaxy Nexus, which runs on Android 4.0 (Ice Cream Sandwich), will finally hit Verizon Wireless stores on Thursday (Dec. 15) and will sell for $299.99 with a two-year contract. The Verizon version of Samsung Galaxy Nexus will be available in Verizon stores across the US and online starting from 1 a.m. EST.
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France gets four bids in 4G auction

France's telecoms regulator has received bids from all of the country's major operators for a second batch of higher-quality fourth-generation mobile licenses and will choose winners in the coming weeks.
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ECB's Noyer says French downgrade not justified

A downgrade of France's AAA credit rating would not be justified and ratings agencies are making decisions based more on politics than economics, European Central Bank policymaker Christian Noyer said on Thursday.
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Austerity should not be done too fast: IMF

The International Monetary Fund's chief economist cautioned on Wednesday against imposing tough austerity measures too quickly and instead favors a longer process as countries around the world grapple with high debt levels.
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More than 100 Million EU Citizens Have Never Surfed Web

Almost a quarter of the European Union's 500 million people have never used the Internet and there is a widening division between the web-savvy north of Europe and the poorer south and east, figures released on Wednesday showed.


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