One passenger is still missing
Private sector companies working on sending people into space, but progress is slow.
Turkish Prime Tayyip Erdogan visited South Africa on Tuesday, the latest stop in a diplomatic drive into the resource-rich continent whose attention is increasingly fixed on emerging market relationships rather than old commercial ties to Europe.
The world's largest online gambling operators asked the European Union on Tuesday to investigate a new Greek gaming law, saying it violates the bloc's free market rules to the benefit of the country's sports betting monopoly OPAP.
Somalia's al Qaeda-linked rebels struck at the heart of the capital on Tuesday, killing scores of people with a truck bomb in the group's most deadly attack in the country since launching an insurgency in 2007.
After clamming up for months about the release of the most anticipated smartphone - iPhone 5 - this year, Apple has finally decided to sing. But it's not singing aloud - with a three word cryptic invitation, “Let’s talk iPhone” send out to the media, Apple has indicated that it will announce the launch of iPhone 5 on Oct. 4. And, nothing more.
Before the all-important clash against England in the Quarterfinals of the Rugby World Cup, France coach Marc Lievremont expressed hope that the internal issues would motivate the squad against the English.
European banks -- particularly those based in France and Germany with heavy exposure to Greek government bonds -- are suffering the worst damage.
The countdown for the much-hyped Apple iPhone event has begun and it is highly expected that the Cupertino tech giant will finally uncover its next generation iPhone aka iPhone 5 (or iPhone 4S) on Tuesday. Should Android really worry about the hype that the iPhone 5 has gained even before its release?
Switzerland, despite bank settlements with the United States to disclose tax evaders, remains the top refuge for financial secrecy, according to a new international ranking of tax haven countries.
Murdered Briton Meredith Kercher has been forgotten in the fog of a tireless media and public relations campaign to free the American student convicted of killing her, a lawyer for the victim's family told Reuters.
completed its $12 billion buy of British software firm Autonomy on Monday, the centerpiece of a botched strategy shift that cost ex-chief executive Leo Apotheker his job last month.
Who killed Meredith Kercher? The verdict in the 2011 Amanda Knox appeal is in - the murder conviction has been overturned.
A few weeks ago, Australia implemented similar rules for its passports.
The Amanda Knox verdict is now hours away -- what will the fate of the American girl be? In Perugia, Italy, six jurors and two judges are currently sitting in a room deciding how to answer that question.
Malawi has awarded oil exploration licences to UK-based firm Surestream Petroleum to search for oil in the country's main lake, the minister of energy said on Monday.
During this year's breast cancer awareness month campaign, a sea of pink ribbons and supporters gather across the country for a number of events.
European stocks are dropping on reports that the Greek government will not achieve the deficit targets it needs to receive the next tranche of the bailout from the European Union (EU) and International Monetary Fund (IMF).
Surviving ex-Beatles Paul McCartney and Ringo Starr joined director Martin Scorsese on the red carpet late on Sunday for the premiere of George Harrison: Living in the Material World.
Britain's prized triple-A sovereign debt rating could come under pressure if the government strays from its path of public deficit cuts in the face of weaker growth, credit agency Standard & Poor's said on Monday.
McGuinness also accuses the media of being overly obsessed with his past IRA affiliation
With October being breast cancer awareness month a research is showing that commonly used blood pressure drugs could cut the risk of breast cancer spreading.