European court ruling strikes at soccer TV deals

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A decision handed down Tuesday by a court in Luxembourg could significantly change the Premier League's TV contracts to broadcast its soccer matches in Europe, but its ramifications beyond live sports could prove to be minimal.
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Turkey"s Prime Minister Tayyip Erdogan (R) and Somalia"s President Sheikh Sharif Ahmed

Turkey spreads its wings into Africa

Turkish Prime Tayyip Erdogan visited South Africa on Tuesday, the latest stop in a diplomatic drive into the resource-rich continent whose attention is increasingly fixed on emerging market relationships rather than old commercial ties to Europe.
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Online operators ask EU to probe Greek gaming law

The world's largest online gambling operators asked the European Union on Tuesday to investigate a new Greek gaming law, saying it violates the bloc's free market rules to the benefit of the country's sports betting monopoly OPAP.
Residents gather at the scene of a suicide attack in Somalia"s

Rebels kill scores in Somali capital blast

Somalia's al Qaeda-linked rebels struck at the heart of the capital on Tuesday, killing scores of people with a truck bomb in the group's most deadly attack in the country since launching an insurgency in 2007.
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Meredith ignored in media fog around Amanda Knox

Murdered Briton Meredith Kercher has been forgotten in the fog of a tireless media and public relations campaign to free the American student convicted of killing her, a lawyer for the victim's family told Reuters.
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HP closes Autonomy deal

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Knox, U.S. student convicted of murdering her British flatmate Kercher in Italy in November 2007, arrives in court in Perugia 30/09/2011

Amanda Knox: Jurors Debating Knox's Fate

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Greece's PM Papandreou addresses the audience at the International Trade fair of Thessaloniki in northern Greece

European Shares Swoon on Greek Deficit Reduction Fears

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S&P warns UK against wavering on deficit cuts

Britain's prized triple-A sovereign debt rating could come under pressure if the government strays from its path of public deficit cuts in the face of weaker growth, credit agency Standard & Poor's said on Monday.


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