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Diamond Planet

Diamond Planet Found Orbiting Pulsar [VIDEOS]

There's a planet made entirely of diamond out there in our Milky Way galaxy that an international team of scientist discovered orbiting a pulsar about 4,000 light-years away. This small diamond planet, which obits the pulsar PSR J1719-1438, is believed to be denser than platinum, but made entirely of oxygen and carbon.
Rebellions Capture Libyan Capital, Has Gaddafi Fled?

Gaddafi Nearly Captured on Wednesday: Report

Libyan commandos fighting Muammar Gaddafi came close to capturing the toppled leader on Wednesday when they raided a private home in Tripoli where he appeared to have been hiding, Paris Match magazine said on Thursday.
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RIM unveils new cloud-based music service

Canada's Research In Motion Ltd will unveil a new cloud-based social music sharing service called BBM Music, as companies begin to bet on entertainment delivered over the Internet that incorporates social networking features.
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Verizon Wireless customers lose in court

Reversing its view from a year ago, a federal appeals court said Verizon Wireless customers must resolve disputes over alleged fraudulent cellphone charges individually through arbitration rather than as a class.
Amy Winehouse

Toxicology Leaves Winehouse Death Riddle Unsolved

Toxicology results released to the family of singer Amy Winehouse this week raised almost as many questions as they answered, experts said Wednesday, keeping the cause of the Rehab singer's death a mystery.


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