Download growth boosts 2009 UK music royalties

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British songwriters, composers and music publishers earned 623 million pounds ($944.8 million) in royalties in 2009, up 2.6 percent on 2008 and the first time the growth in digital revenues outperformed the drop in CD and DVD earnings.

EU to discuss Greek aid, Germany skeptical

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Euro zone finance ministers on Monday will look at how to give Greece financial aid should it ask for help, but there were signs France and Germany were holding out on making concrete commitments.
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Alice leads box office, as Green Zone flops

Alice in Wonderland raced to a $430 million haul at the worldwide box office on Sunday, while Matt Damon's new Iraq war conspiracy thriller Green Zone was one of the year's first big flops.
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Seven hours in Singapore

Why only seven hours? It does seem like an awfully short amount of time to spend in a city-state, even one as small as Singapore.
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GM's Russia reorganization sparks fears at Opel

Opel workers demanded reassurances that its European brand will not be disadvantaged at the expense of sister brand Chevrolet, after Opel lost responsibility for the Russian region to an Asian arm of General Motors.
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U.S. setting bad example on protectionism: Sarkozy

President Nicolas Sarkozy of France accused Washington on Friday of setting the wrong example on protectionism, suggesting there had not been a level playing field in the race for a $50 billion refueling plane contract.
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British hostage endured mock executions in Iraq

British computer expert Peter Moore, held captive in Iraq for 2-1/2 years until his release in December, has said he was tortured and subjected to mock executions by a well-trained kidnap gang.
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Big auto and EU face off over green van targets

Europe's vanmakers have gone a long way toward meeting proposals to curb climate-warming emissions, but as debate on the 2016 targets kicks off big auto is seen digging its heels in over the last mile.
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BP to pay Devon $7 bln for fields

BP will pay $7 billion to Devon Energy for assets that will extend its reach into Brazil and bulk up its position in the Gulf of Mexico, as the world's top oil companies look to acquisitions to refill depleting reserves.
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British Conservatives promise superfast Internet

Investing in a high-speed Internet network would open up a new global trade route for Britain, boosting economic recovery and creating thousands of jobs, the opposition Conservative party said on Thursday.
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China's thirst for energy fuels westward expansion

China's insatiable demand for energy to power its economy has made it a serious contender in the fight for control over vast energy resources in its thinly populated and impoverished western backyard.
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JP Morgan private bank to expand away from U.S.

JP Morgan's private bank has embarked on an international expansion in a bid to reduce its focus on the United States, expand its Europe footprint and join the battle to tap the ultra-wealthy in emerging markets.
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U.S. warns EU of rift over fund regulation: report

U.S. Treasury Secretary Tim Geithner has written to the European Commission warning that plans to regulate hedge funds and private equity firms could cause tensions with Washington, the Financial Times reported.
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Asia stocks dip on China tightening fears, yen up

Asian stocks fell on Thursday as investors worried strong loan growth and quickening inflation in China would spur Beijing to tighten monetary policy sooner than expected, while the yen rebounded against major currencies.
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Daily Forecast - 11/3/2010

Yesterday's announcement of a steep decline in housing finance caught the market by surprise somewhat triggering a drop in the Aussie dollar to an intraday low of 0.9130.
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Race to the bottom with G4 currency rhetoric

With economic policy stimuli already at full tilt, no government wants an overvalued exchange rate to slay recovery, and the rival soft currency needs are producing some elaborate rhetorical jousting.


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