They were diagnosed with a highly contagious strain of herpes.
Kraynak operated two offices in Mount Caramel and Shamokin known as Keystone Medicine Associates.
RZ Piscium is located about 550 light-years away in the constellation Pisces, and exhibits erratic episodes of dimming, when its brightness reduces by as much as 90 percent.
The North Korean leader also said the country's rapidly developing nuclear force was “exerting big influence” on global leaders.
The astronauts on the International Space Station get to have some Christmas decorations in space.
Ronly Diaz Pardo and David Allan Anderson were captured in Oklahoma Thursday after escaping from prison in Florida late Sunday.
Liam Neeson is the newest voice in the Waze app for users to choose to direct them.
Senators from both parties called on DHS to stop the expansion of its biometric exit program after a recent report found the technology wrongly scans passengers and could violate privacy.
Condoms and vasectomies may not be the only form of contraceptives for men if upcoming research works out for a simple skin-applicable gel.
Amazon Prime Now has limited quantities of the SNES Classic mini-console available in select U.S. cities.
Culturally, robotics adoption has a long way to go in the U.S., but we’re getting closer each day.
2017 has seen the most North Korean defections this century.
Mexican YouTube star "El Pirata de Culiacan," aka Juan Luis Lagunas Rosales, was murdered by armed gunman Monday in Jalisco after insulting drug cartel boss, "El Mencho."
The first batch of Apple’s all-new iMac Pro computers is set to hit clients late next week.
"Well, we’re watching those votes,” the president said. “Let them vote against us. We’ll save a lot. We don’t care. But this isn’t like it used to be where they could vote against you and then you pay them hundreds of millions of dollars and nobody knows what they’re doing."
Your blood type means a lot more to your health than understanding which you’d need in a medical emergency. It can also affect whether you die of malaria or have a heart attack.
Regulators are increasingly scrutinizing ICOs from the anti-money laundering perspective, they should be.
North Korea said the claims were "the U.S. stereotyped method to cook up untruths as truths, stubbornly insisting that black is white and fabricating anything for satisfying their aggressive greed." It also called the U.S. "an empire of evils full of plots, fabrications, lies and deceptions."
North Korea, in November, fired Hwasong-15, an ICBM which traveled for 600 miles after which it landed in the Sea of Japan as a retaliatory act against President Donald Trump's action of adding North Korea to the list of state sponsors of terrorism. North Korea also claimed that after the successful testing of the ICBM, it had become a fully capable nuclear nation.
During a celebration at the White House of the passage of the tax bill, Trump said Scalise had a "rougher year than most of us," adding, "But -- that's a hell of a way to lose weight, Steve."
The council approved sale of the parks unanimously to a non-profit organization, Memphis Greenspace, Inc., reported WTVT, a Fox-affiliated television station.
According to South Korean officials, the soldier appeared in front of a checkpoint on the mid-western front after 8 a.m. local time (6 p.m. EST Wednesday) amid thick fog. He was taken into custody and was being questioned by the authorities.