Google's Project Zero is holding an Android hacking competition where participants must be able to hack into a Nexus 6P and a Nexus 5X.
With Suu Kyi no longer an opposition figure, the United States is weighing a further easing of sanctions against Myanmar.
Secretary of State John Kerry briefed Congress on the administration's plans to increase the number of refugees admitted to the United States by 30 percent.
At issue is a $25,000 campaign contribution to Florida's attorney general as her office considered an investigation of Trump University.
Obama's campaign appearance was his first as a solo act on behalf of Clinton as he tries to ensure Democrats retain control of the White House.
The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said that it had received not a single report of combatants or civilians killed by fighting in any areas covered by the truce.
It's the strongest storm the world has seen since Super Typhoon Haiyan destroyed parts of the Philippines in 2013.
Adblock Plus is expanding its ad-sales business, a controversial practices that some advertisers and publishers liken to a high-tech protection racket.
Following 10 months of negotiations, the new package does require the Israelis to follow several stipulations.
Only 14 percent of American Catholics view Muslims favorably.
Democrats will need to net four additional seats in the November election to win control of the Senate.
It was not immediately clear how North Carolina authorities learned of the alleged crime.
Arizona-based preacher Steven Anderson was scheduled to visit Johannesburg this weekend.
Clinton won't apologize for calling his supporters deplorable. She'd rather air an attack ad.
Technology companies have released a joint letter urging Congress to not block the transition of power in controlling the Internet.
Samsung’s preliminary report to the Korean Agency for Technology and Standards cites production error for Galaxy Note 7 mishap.
Trump's idea is to cut unemployment to make sure mothers have some time with their newborns.
Teenagers are memorializing the late gorilla as they invite their friends to attend the fall dance and select royalty.
Vandals reportedly crushed and trashed American flags honoring the victims of the attacks on 9/11.
John Barrowman wants to reprise his role as Captain Jack Harkness on “Doctor Who,” despite being on The CW’s DC TV shows.
At the launch Tuesday, a banner on the side of the ship read, “America should go to the Bay of Pigs, the Persian Gulf is our house.”
Defense contractor Edward Snowden called on Barack Obama Tuesday to consider a presidential pardon for his NSA leaks.