John Oliver highlighted many systemic problems with 911 emergency response across the country on “Last Week Tonight” Sunday.
A man accidentally discharged a handgun he'd concealed in his sock at Augusta High School in Kansas on Sunday.
The Philippines terror group demanded a ransom of almost $13 million for Canadian and Norwegian hostages.
Europe’s largest bank is in the process of cutting a fifth of its global workforce, including thousands of U.K.-based jobs.
The legendary billionaire investor has traditionally shunned investments in the technology sector.
The news comes the same day the Apple CEO visited China after suffering a series of setbacks in its biggest overseas market.
By 2060, people living in low-lying coastal areas, mainly in the U.S., China and India, could be affected by an “irreversible and unavoidable” sea level rise, a new report warns.
OGA Charters reportedly operated two buses and a safety watchdog had given the company a “satisfactory” rating in May 2014.
Trump's disapproval of the British prime minister was in response to the latter's comments last year over Trump's proposal to ban Muslims from entering the U.S.
Analysts from the bank said that the oil market had likely shifted into deficit in May, as sustained demand and unexpected disruptions in production offset output growth in Iran and Iraq.
The bill requires the administration to review whether or not North Korea fits the terror sponsor designation.
The presumptive GOP nominee said most of the names his surrogate mentioned are not under consideration to join him on the ticket.
“When my husband was president, incomes rose for everybody,” Hillary Clinton said on Sunday.
Jodie Foster’s thriller “Money Monster,” starring George Clooney, was not able to unseat the superhero blockbuster.
The country has one of the lowest birth rates in Europe, and it looks to change that by doubling a child benefit offer to families.
Without mentioning Donald Trump by name, President Obama told Rutgers graduates the presumptive Republican nominee doesn’t know what he’s talking about.
Republicans controlling the House are proposing $23 billion worth of food stamp cuts in the coming decade.
With less than three months before the Rio Games open in August, Moscow is seeking to have a global ban overturned to allow its track and field athletes to compete.
A tip-off from a CIA agent directly led to Nelson Mandela's arrest in 1962.
Brompton CEO Will Butler-Adams peddled over the Brooklyn Bridge to talk about the iconic brand and how it’s about to change.
The Israeli prime minister told his cabinet that the only way to reach peace with Palestinians was “through direct talks, without preconditions.”
The U.S. Secretary of State’s visit comes at a critical time in efforts to secure peace in strife-torn Syria, Libya and Yemen.