Bush said Wednesday that the Cleveland case — in which police officers were not indicted — was probably an example of the justice system working properly.
The U.S. Department of Homeland Security announced Thursday new rules that would allow certain immigrants to switch jobs more easily while waiting for a green card.
The moves — expected next week, according to reports — will follow a failed legislative push for stricter laws.
Downward pressure on the yuan will continue into 2016, presenting Beijing with fresh challenges in financial management.
Other New Year's events in Rochester will proceed as planned after authorities claimed to have thwarted a plot against a local business.
Prime Minister Haider Al-Abadi was not injured, but his associates had to briefly evacuate the city, which was under ISIS’ control until recently.
The embassy encouraged Americans to exercise caution around New Year’s as local police announced they had arrested seven individuals with suspected links to ISIS.
Apple could be required to add more people of color to high-profile positions as part of a resolution that shareholders are considering.
College students told researchers they experienced panic attacks, seizures and hair loss because of race-related stress.
The military buildup could "present continuing challenges to U.S. and allied naval forces," an intelligence report said.
Tonya Couch's red hair inspired comparisons to the comedian.
The towers are solar-powered, approximately 80 feet tall and equipped with radar and day- and night-cameras.
The scandal-hit fund, founded by Malaysian Prime Minister Najib Razak, has been accused of mismanagement.
Chinese officials said Thursday that the military is building another aircraft carrier as part of its efforts in the disputed South China Sea region.
The company is currently involved in a legal battle with the Pentagon over a $6.75 billion contract for Humvee trucks.
US officials said they were unaware of any imminent or credible threats of attacks inside the U.S. or on American targets overseas.
According to Vireo Health, a New York-based company, its medical pot will be the world’s first kosher cannabis.
Egypt suspended the free internet program, which critics say violates net neutrality, just days it was temporarily banned in India.
The United States Court of Appeals temporarily prevented Gov. Gary Herbert and the State of Utah from de-funding the women's health organization.
John Wayne's daughter recently penned a letter in support of the Republican presidential front-runner.
Don't forget to reserve your tickets for these popular New Year's Eve party destinations.
Aside from that, or getting slammed by Donald Trump, low-polling candidates have few options for generating buzz.