General Electric created new Snapchat filters for 50 major airports and 25 train stations.
The poll comes a week after the attacks in Paris, which left 130 dead.
McCain’s speech comes after a House majority Thursday voted to support tough new restrictions on refugees fleeing the war in Syria and ISIS.
Meet Deen Squad, which is crushing Facebook with the video "Not A Terrorist," inspiring Muslim youth.
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency on Friday said VW used software that reported false emissions data in all vehicles with 3-liter diesel engines from 2009 to 2016.
The request comes a year after Obama announced his Deferred Action for Parents of Americans initiative, which has been in legal limbo.
The U.S. Treasury Department aims to prevent companies from moving abroad to avoid taxes. But big corporations in the midst of inversions aren't blinking.
“These trials are among the most unethical research studies I have ever seen,” one critic said.
Lebanon said it would not close its airspace to accommodate Russian military exercises in the Mediterranean.
There's no shortage of American families willing to take in Syrian children, but the process is extremely long and arduous.
The smartphone's success made Apple the world's most valuable company, but the device's slowing rate of sales growth will force its maker to reinvent itself.
Two Malians and one French national were among those who died.
The terror group has “been anxious to make this shift for a long time,” according to an expert who studies their networks.
James Woolsey also said Snowden had "blood on his hands" for the Paris attacks that left 130 dead and 350 injured.
Changes authorized NSA analysts to inspect American messages sent overseas with less judicial oversight.
"This is shocking rhetoric. It should be denounced by all seeking to lead this country," Hillary Clinton said Friday.
Just 5 percent of Germans were worried extra security measures could infringe on their constitutional rights.
Congressional Republicans, with some Democrats, also passed a bill to limit the authority of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau.
In a business that caters to fragmented tastes, the British singer's crossover sound actually works at scale. And no one else in music can touch her.
"French Muslims want to proclaim their indestructible attachment to the republican pact and the values which have formed France," a representative from the French Muslim Council said.
As the U.S. undergoes a backlash against taking in refugees, Clarkston, Georgia, shows that resettlement can be a success.
European Central Bank Governor Mario Draghi's comments buffeted investor sentiment in Europe while Asian markets locked in marginal gains during the week.