Moderating the U.S. presidential candidates' debate Saturday will be John Dickerson and Nancy Cordes of CBS News, Kathie Obradovich of the Des Moines Register and Kevin Cooney of KCCI-TV.
Watch the Democratic Party's three U.S. presidential candidates debate economic issues in Des Moines, Iowa, live online.
The decade-long corruption scheme was described as "astounding in its breadth and its brazenness" by the court.
"The walls of mistrust within Syria, within the region, within the international community are thick," U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry says before crucial talks in Vienna.
At least 65 Afghan soldiers have defected to the Taliban, taking their weapons and equipment with them.
While France declared a state emergency and closed its borders after the deadly attacks, several other countries also increased the security measures.
World leaders, including U.S. President Barack Obama and Russian President Vladimir Putin, expressed shock and anguish over the spate of deadly violence in Paris.
The attacks on Friday are said to be the deadliest violence in the country since World War II.
People who appeared to be ISIS supporters celebrated Friday night's Paris terror attacks on social media.
Three United Continental Holdings flights were on schedule to depart for Paris Friday evening from Chicago, Washington, D.C., and Newark, New Jersey.
New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo directed State police and intelligence officials to actively watch for any implication from the terror attacks.
In remarks Friday, the president said the United States would stand in solidarity with France following the terror attacks.
The three major U.S. indexes ended the week down more than 3 percent, firmly putting the brakes on a fast rally that began in October.
Tim Cook's remarks followed a company apology over the barring of three black teenagers from a retail location in Australia.
The S-400 is designed to intercept advanced missiles and aircraft, neither of which is in the possession of the Islamic State group or Syrian rebels.
Goverment-backed soldiers say they are close to taking the entire city from Islamic State group fighters.
The National Association of Black Engineers wants to triple the number of engineering degrees awarded to African-Americans, to 10,000.
Cleopatra attributed her beauty to a daily diet of pickles.
The U.S. Supreme Court will weigh in on restrictions that led to the closure of about half the state’s 41 abortion clinics, in the court's first major abortion case since 2007.
The bill, which will legalize marijuana only for medicinal and scientific reasons, has passed through Congress.
Rep. Mike Honda, D-Calif., whose granddaughter is transgender, will head the task force examining violence and other issues affecting that community.
Dow component Cisco fell 5.6 percent to $26.27 after it gave a weak forecast, citing a slowdown in order growth and weak spending outside the United States.